Production / page 97

Jul. 19, 2018

2nd Olive Picking Championship Set for October

Teams from around the world will compete in the 2nd World Championship in Olive Picking on the Croatian island of Brač.

Jul. 18, 2018

In Western Argentina, Rising Energy Costs Worry Some Olive Growers

As Argentina's energy minister deregulates the sector and electricity costs shoot up, olive farmers are feeling the effects.

Jul. 9, 2018

New Torrefaction Process Reduces Transportation Costs for Biomass

Researchers at Fraunhofer IGB developed an improved torrefaction process to make use of olive biomass.

Jun. 11, 2018

Unusual Weather Could Be Problematic for California Olive Crop

A warm winter followed by several spring cold snaps have led to fewer olive trees blooming in central California.

May. 31, 2018

7th 'Extrascape' Honors the Landscapes Behind the Brands

The seventh edition of the contest took place during the international food exhibition Cibus.

May. 8, 2018

UC Davis Introduces Growing, Milling and Branding Master Class

The UC Davis Olive Center is introducing a new class on olive growing, milling, and branding in June, bringing expert instructors together for a two-day immersion through classroom and field instruction.

May. 7, 2018

A Record Number of Awards for Tunisian Olive Oil

Following a record 38 entries, Tunisian olive oil producers take home 11 awards at the 2018 NYIOOC.

Apr. 26, 2018

Best Olive Oils for 2018 Revealed

The winners of the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition were unveiled at a press conference in New York tonight.

Apr. 17, 2018

Xylella Marches On: Lethal Olive Disease Discovered in Central Spain

Xylella fastidiosa continues to kill many tens of thousands of olive trees in south Italy's Puglia region and is on track to widen its deadly clasp across the Mediterranean basin.

Apr. 5, 2018

The Gethsemane and Its Sacred Olive Oil

In Jerusalem last Thursday, like every year, the extra virgin olive oil produced from the olive trees of Gethsemane was blessed at the Holy Sepulcher.


Apr. 5, 2018

Researchers Characterize Two Galician Olive Varieties for the First Time

Research has classified olive varieties from an emerging olive-producing region of Spain. A concurrent study has found the oil from these cultivars can be of value for preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

Apr. 3, 2018

Why Some Producers Are Not Ready to Give Up Their Traditional Presses

Inefficient and difficult to maintain, traditional presses are often dismissed as a relic of another era. Olive Oil Times found some producers who say they are not about to abandon their old presses anytime soon.

Mar. 12, 2018

Revolution, Hope and Tunisian Olive Oil

Raouf Ellouze and Karim Fitouri were drawn back to Tunisia at times of political upheaval and change. Now, they want to help Tunisia become known for world-class olive oil.

Mar. 9, 2018

Drought Likely to Continue in Parts of Spain

In spite of a wet March, Spain is expected to experience another hot and dry summer, which is increasingly becoming the new normal.

Mar. 5, 2018

Will the 'Beast From the East' Affect Olive Groves?

As Europe was struck by an intense cold wave originating in Siberia, concerns arose among farmers.

Mar. 1, 2018

Monumental Trees of Cyprus Represent Attempt to Create Elite Cultivar

Researchers speculate that early olive growers had grafted native centennial trees with others imported from Greece and Lebanon to selectively breed for desirable traits.

Feb. 27, 2018

Tunisia: Window on a Traditional Olive World

There are scant funds to assist Tunisia's rural farmers' transition to a more efficient, high-quality production. Some locals say that's just fine with them, while others look to a more prosperous future,

Feb. 26, 2018

Blockchain Technology Coming to Olive Oil, Someday

As the bottle moves through the supply chain it can be tracked. When it changes hands from wholesaler to retailer to consumer, each step is noted with another transaction on the blockchain.
