Sustainable Tourism and High-Quality Production at Traldi Farm

At their farm in central Italy, Francesca Boni and Elisabetta Traldi deliver outstanding levels of quality while taking advantage of the region’s cultural importance and natural beauty.
Traldi Farm
By Ylenia Granitto
Mar. 5, 2021 11:26 UTC

Francesca Boni and Elisabetta Traldi greet their guests at Traldi Farm with an embrace that con­veys the sense of what Italian hos­pi­tal­ity is all about.

Their com­bi­na­tion of styl­ish­ness and atten­tion to detail is made more com­fort­able by sin­cere smiles and an open-hearted atti­tude. This is also reflected by the care that the pair give to their estate in Tuscia where olive trees thrive.

We have man­aged to main­tain the best qual­ity even dur­ing the most chal­leng­ing sea­sons thanks to a great team of pro­fes­sion­als.- Francesca Boni, co-owner, Traldi Farm

Located on a plateau 300 meters above sea level in the cen­tral Italian region of Lazio, their estate cov­ers about 150 hectares. Roughly 20 per­cent of the land is ded­i­cated to olive groves, mostly Canino, Moraiolo, Frantoio, Leccino, and Pendolino.

From these plants, my grand­fa­ther Angelo Traldi pro­duced oil for the fam­ily,” Boni said. Then, my mother Elisabetta took the reins of the farm, and, in 2016, I took the ini­tia­tive to cre­ate our brand and pro­duce high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil mak­ing the best use of the vari­eties of our ter­ri­tory.”

See Also:Producer Profiles

The mother-daugh­ter duo soon achieved their goal by cre­at­ing prod­ucts with out­stand­ing sen­so­r­ial pro­files, includ­ing Eximius, a vibrant mono­va­ri­etal of Caninese and Athos, a blend of Caninese, Frantoio, and Moraiolo.

Both brands have earned Traldi Farm a long list of awards over the years at the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition.

I believe that results like these can be reached only with a great respect for the plants and the land,” Boni said. Also, con­tin­u­ous mon­i­tor­ing of the grove is nec­es­sary to ensure high stan­dards.”

I love spend­ing time with my olive trees and tak­ing care of them every day. My grand­fa­ther used to say that if you want results, you have to tread on the land.’ That means you have to live it,” she added.

The award-win­ning pro­ducer becomes emo­tional when remem­ber­ing the dif­fi­cult route that her grand­fa­ther fol­lowed to put the fam­ily on their path to suc­cess.

He served dur­ing the Second World War,” Boni recalled. After the con­flict ended, my grand­fa­ther came home, but life was not easy at all. There was mis­ery, and, like many other Italians in that period, he and his fam­ily suf­fered hunger.”

In those moments, he under­stood the impor­tance of land, real­iz­ing that those who owned even a small plot could pro­vide a min­i­mum liveli­hood for their com­mu­ni­ties,” she added. He then promised him­self that he would pur­chase some land to feed his fam­ily as soon as he could.”

This was finally pos­si­ble in 1960 when Boni’s grand­fa­ther started look­ing for a plot not far from Rome, where he lived and came across a prop­erty, which was sold to him at a very low price.


Traldi Farm in Vetralla

He found out that the owner was going through finan­cial hard­ship,” Boni said. At first, he first refused to buy the plot since he did not want to take advan­tage of that des­per­ate sit­u­a­tion, but the guy insisted, say­ing that it would have been worse for him not to sell it.”

My grand­fa­ther accepted, but on the con­di­tion that he could pay the fair price for the land, there­fore a higher amount than had been requested,” she added.

That ges­ture of com­pas­sion was just the first step in a beau­ti­ful jour­ney that has led Traldi to become one of the world’s best olive oil pro­duc­ers.

Before I got into the olive oil sec­tor, I used to do another kind of job,” Boni said. I spent a lot of time in the office, and when I came to the farm to unwind on the week­ends, I real­ized how good I felt.”


I felt free and drew energy from these plants, with the beau­ti­ful moments spent with my grand­fa­ther in my heart,” she added. When I was a kid, we would walk in the olive grove and he would say: These trees are your future.’”

Then, Boni started study­ing the project’s fea­si­bil­ity, from the label and type of bot­tle she would use to the design and busi­ness goals. What became imme­di­ately appar­ent was that she needed to pro­duce high-qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil, which enhanced the territory’s fea­tures.

See Also:The Best Olive Oils From Italy

This area is not only beau­ti­ful but also located at a strate­gic point,” Boni said.

Vetralla, home of Traldi farm, is nes­tled in a cul­tur­ally-rich and nat­u­rally beau­ti­ful area. It is home to the cities of Tarquinia and Viterbo, with its ther­mal baths, the charm­ing vil­lage of Civita di Bagnoregio and Lake Vico, all while remain­ing within easy reach of Rome’s air­ports.

Hence, the idea to ded­i­cate a part of the farm to hos­pi­tal­ity.

My mother decided to cre­ate a cozy accom­mo­da­tion with a spa,” Boni said. It is ideal for those who want to prac­tice respon­si­ble tourism and to stay in con­tact with nature.”

Located between two olive groves, the core struc­ture was built with the utmost respect for the envi­ron­ment, keep­ing the orig­i­nal masonry of the farm­house. However, it was redesigned with cut­ting-edge archi­tec­tural and tech­no­log­i­cal solu­tions.


Traldi Farm

Refurbished with antibac­te­r­ial mate­ri­als in the inte­rior and pho­to­cat­alytic ones on the out­side, heat­ing is guar­an­teed by a bio­mass boiler fueled with olive pits.

This allows us to reuse the olive mill byprod­ucts,” Boni said, empha­siz­ing that the company’s goal is to work sus­tain­ably.

We man­age our orchard with the low­est envi­ron­men­tal impact,” she said. We respect the bal­ance of soil and plants. In this sense, I believe that the prun­ing sys­tem also plays a role. Therefore, our olive trees are grown accord­ing to the poly­conic vase sys­tem, which respects the phys­i­ol­ogy of the plant.”

The old­est parts of the orchard include cen­turies-old trees, which retain the orig­i­nal exten­sive plant­ing pat­tern.

In the past, vines had been planted between the rows of olive trees,” Boni said. We decided to keep that plant­ing lay­out, while a more ratio­nal­ized set-up was applied to plants that were recently added, a few hectares of Maurino and Itrana, and also some Coratina and Nocellara del Belice, with the idea to try out new aro­mas and fla­vors.”

Each har­vest sea­son, the fruits are crushed in the best mills of the area, which, due to their lat­est-gen­er­a­tion tech­nolo­gies, meet the company’s high stan­dards.

We have man­aged to main­tain the best qual­ity even dur­ing the most chal­leng­ing sea­sons thanks to a great team of pro­fes­sion­als,” Boni said. Now, my goal is to estab­lish our own olive mill within a cou­ple of years, while expand­ing the pro­duc­tion. It is true: these trees are the future, and now it is even brighter.”


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