`Classic Cobb Salad with Olive Oil Bleu Cheese Dressing - Olive Oil Times
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Classic Cobb Salad with Olive Oil Bleu Cheese Dressing

Hearty main salads are especially satisfying for lunch or dinner. The salad components are classic, consisting of all those delicious ingredients known for a good Cobb Salad.
Classic Cobb Salad with Olive Oil Bleu Cheese Dressing
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 18, 2023 18:53 UTC

Meaty and hearty main sal­ads are espe­cially sat­is­fy­ing for either lunch or din­ner. The salad com­po­nents are clas­sic, con­sist­ing of all those deli­cious ingre­di­ents known for a good Cobb Salad. The bleu cheese dress­ing has a bit of a twist, sub­sti­tut­ing most of the creamy ele­ments (may­on­naise, but­ter­milk, etc…) for medium-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil with deli­cious results. 

EVOO is a great sub­sti­tute for tra­di­tion­ally creamy ingre­di­ents in salad dress­ing recipes. The rich­ness of the oil and nuanced fla­vors adds a sur­pris­ing creami­ness, espe­cially when paired with a softer cheese, like gor­gonzola. This olive oil bleu cheese dress­ing keeps well refrig­er­ated for over a week. Because olive oil can solid­ify slightly when chilled, it’s best to let the dress­ing rest at room tem­per­a­ture for a few min­utes before serv­ing.


Classic Cobb Salad with Olive Oil Bleu Cheese Dressing

Course: SaladsCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Cobb Salads are very robust sal­ads with oodles of veg­gies and pro­teins. We kept this recipe close to the orig­i­nal, using romaine let­tuce, bacon, herb-boiled eggs, chicken, avo­cado, and toma­toes. Instead of sprin­kling the salad with bleu cheese, we uti­lized this orig­i­nal ingre­di­ent as the main com­po­nent in the salad dress­ing. 


  • Olive Oil Bleu Cheese Dressing:
  • 1/2cupsoft bleu cheese, like Gorgonzola

  • 1/4cupcham­pagne vine­gar

  • 1table­spoonDijon mus­tard

  • 1table­spoonhoney

  • 3/4cupmedium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1eachgar­lic clove peeled

  • pinchcrushed red pep­per flakes

  • salt and pep­per to taste

  • Cobb Salad: 
  • 8cupsromaine let­tuce, chopped

  • 8slicesbacon, cooked and chopped

  • 4eacheggs, hard boiled, peeled, and halved

  • 4cupsrotis­serie chicken or cooked chicken, pulled or chopped

  • 2eachavo­ca­dos, peeled and sliced

  • 2cupscherry toma­toes, halved


  • To make the dress­ing, place bleu cheese, vine­gar, mus­tard, honey, sour cream, olive oil, gar­lic, and crushed red pep­per flakes in the bowl of a food proces­sor and blend until smooth. Slowly add the olive oil to the food proces­sor while run­ning, blend­ing until com­bined. Season to taste with salt and pep­per and refrig­er­ate until ready to serve.
  • Divide let­tuce between serv­ing bowls and top with bacon, eggs, chicken, avo­cado, and toma­toes. Either driz­zle with dress­ing or serve with dress­ing on the side. 

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