`Crispy Shrimp Tacos with Sweet Chili Mayo - Olive Oil Times
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Crispy Shrimp Tacos with Sweet Chili Mayo

Enjoy a restaurant-quality taco feast made right in the comfort of your own home. These sensational, EVOO-fried, shrimp are tossed in a sweet chili sauce and mayonnaise combination adding layers of flavor. Joining the crispity-crunchity, super saucy shrimp in the taco-filling fun are crisp veggies, fragrant fresh herbs, and zesty citrus.
Crispy Shrimp Tacos with Sweet Chili Mayo
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 12, 2022 15:07 UTC

Enjoy a restau­rant-qual­ity taco feast made right in the com­fort of your own home. These sen­sa­tional, EVOO-fried, shrimp are tossed in a sweet chili sauce and may­on­naise com­bi­na­tion adding lay­ers of fla­vor. Joining the crispy-crunchy, super saucy shrimp in the taco-fill­ing fun are crisp veg­gies, fra­grant fresh herbs, and zesty cit­rus. 

Yes, you can fry in EVOO! Mild inten­sity olive oils are amaz­ingly ver­sa­tile. These kitchen-capa­ble oils have the abil­ity to with­stand high-heat tem­per­a­tures of around 400°F. A typ­i­cal deep-fry tem­per­a­ture hov­ers around 325 – 350°F, mak­ing this well within olive oil’s culi­nary wheel­house. Fry on, friends! 


Crispy Shrimp Tacos with Sweet Chili Mayo

Course: MainCuisine: American, Asian, FusionDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



The shrimp are tossed in a gar­lic-pep­per but­ter­milk mari­nade before being tossed with corn­starch and fried crisp. The fried shrimp are then tossed in the sweet chili mayo and stuffed into toasted corn tor­tillas filled with shred­ded cab­bage, cilantro, radishes, and toma­toes. You can also freestyle your taco fillers, adding in your favorites and sub­tract­ing those you don’t pre­fer. 


  • Sweet Chili Mayo
  • 1/2cupmay­on­naise

  • 3tbspsweet chili sauce

  • Crispy Shrimp:
  • 1lbraw shrimp, peeled

  • 1/2 cupbut­ter­milk

  • 1/2 tspsalt

  • 1/2 tspgar­lic pow­der

  • 1/2 tsponion pow­der

  • 2tspsriracha or hot sauce

  • 1/4tspblack pep­per

  • 4cupsmild inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil for fry­ing

  • 3/4cupcorn­starch

  • Taco Essentials and Fillings:
  • 8 – 10eachcorn tor­tillas, toasted

  • 2cupscab­bage, shred­ded

  • 1/2cupcilantro leaves, chopped

  • 1/4cupradish, thinly sliced

  • 1/4cuptoma­toes, diced

  • lime wedges and hot sauce


  • Place may­on­naise and sweet chili sauce in a medium bowl and whisk to com­bine. Cover and refrig­er­ate until ready to make the tacos.
  • Pat shrimp dry with paper tow­els and place in a large bowl. Add but­ter­milk, salt, gar­lic, onion, sriracha, and pep­per, stir to com­bine, cover, and refrig­er­ate for 30 min­utes to mar­i­nate.
  • Meanwhile, heat olive oil to 350°F in a large heavy-bot­tom skil­let or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. The oil should be a lit­tle over 2 inches deep in the pot or pan.
  • Place corn­starch in a large bowl. Working in batches, using a slot­ted spoon, trans­fer the shrimp to the bowl with the corn­starch (make sure to let any excess mari­nade drip off the shrimp before adding it to the corn­starch. Gently toss to coat the shrimp in the corn­starch and trans­fer to a bak­ing sheet (sin­gle layer) while you bread the remain­ing shrimp.
  • Working in batches of 2 – 3 shrimp, care­fully place them into the hot oil, and fry until lightly golden and crisp, about 3 – 4 min­utes. Transfer the fried shrimp to a paper towel-lined plate or bak­ing sheet to drain. 
  • Remove the chili mayo from the refrig­er­a­tor, add shrimp, and toss to coat. Fill tor­tillas with shred­ded cab­bage, cilantro, radishes, and toma­toes. Top each taco with 2 – 3 fried shrimp and serve with lime wedges and hot sauce. 

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