`DIY Marinated Sun-Dried Tomatoes - Olive Oil Times
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DIY Marinated Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Try these tomatoes out in your favorite salads, as a tasty sandwich topper, or as an addition to any cheese and charcuterie platter.
DIY Marinated Sun-Dried Tomatoes
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 6, 2023 13:29 UTC

These home­made sun-dried toma­toes are not dried in the sun; we sim­pli­fied that step by dry­ing in the oven (you also do not need a dehy­dra­tor either — yippee). What this dry­ing step does is con­cen­trate the tomato’s fla­vors. Marinating the dried toma­toes in extra vir­gin olive oil can intro­duce even more fla­vor, mak­ing this ingre­di­ent absolutely sat­u­rated in deli­cious­ness. 

We mar­i­nate these toma­toes in extra vir­gin olive oil, apple cider vine­gar, shal­lot, gar­lic, rose­mary, and thyme. The olive oil acts as an equal­izer, dis­trib­ut­ing the aro­mat­ics and fla­vors, and coat­ing the toma­toes with those ele­ments. The acid from the vine­gar allows the fla­vors and aro­mat­ics to absorb into the dried toma­toes — total fla­vor infu­sion.


DIY Marinated Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Course: SidesCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



Try these toma­toes out in your favorite sal­ads, as a tasty sand­wich top­per, or as an addi­tion to any cheese and char­cu­terie plat­ter. The mar­i­nated sun-dried toma­toes are best if left to mar­i­nate overnight and con­sumed within a few days, about 4 – 5 days.


  • 1 1/2lbs.Roma toma­toes, halved

  • 2tea­spoonssalt

  • Marinade:
  • 3/4cupmild to medium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 2 table­spoonsapple cider vine­gar

  • 1eachshal­lot, peeled and minced

  • 2eachgar­lic cloves peeled

  • 2 tea­spoonsgran­u­lated sugar

  • fresh rose­mary and thyme sprigs


  • Preheat oven to 175°F and line a large bak­ing sheet with a wire rack.
  • Place toma­toes on the wire rack, cut side up, and gen­er­ously sprin­kle with salt. Place in the oven and dry for 2 1/2 hours.
  • After that first dry­ing ses­sion, remove the pan from the oven, flip the toma­toes over, and gen­tly press (using a fork or spat­ula) to expel any lin­ger­ing liq­uid. Return to the oven and dry for another 2 hours or until thor­oughly dehy­drated. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool at room tem­per­a­ture.
  • To mar­i­nate the toma­toes, place olive oil and vine­gar in a large jar or seal­able con­tainer (ensure the jar or con­tainer has been thor­oughly cleaned). Place the dried toma­toes, shal­lot, gar­lic, sugar, and herb sprigs in the jar, seal, and gen­tly shake to dis­trib­ute the ingre­di­ents.
  • Place in the refrig­er­a­tor for up to 3 days before serv­ing. When ready to serve, remove the mar­i­nated sun-dried toma­toes from the refrig­er­a­tor and allow them to rest at room tem­per­a­ture for 1 hour. 

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