`EVOO Poached Lobster Rolls - Olive Oil Times
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EVOO Poached Lobster Rolls

Why poach in extra virgin olive oil? Poaching in EVOO introduces its own flavors to the lobster, as well as creating a much more tender and luscious lobster than water ever could.
EVOO Poached Lobster Rolls
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 18, 2023 18:49 UTC

Lobster rolls are a New England spe­cial­ity, in fact, a del­i­cacy. In our extra vir­gin olive oil poached lob­ster rolls, we aim to infuse as much fla­vor as pos­si­ble into these sand­wiches. That fla­vor infu­sion hap­pens dur­ing the poach­ing stage, using EVOO instead of water and other aro­mat­ics like gar­lic, herbs, and lemon. 

Why poach in extra vir­gin olive oil? Poaching in EVOO intro­duces its own fla­vors to the lob­ster, cre­at­ing a much more ten­der and lus­cious lob­ster than water ever could. In our poach­ing liq­uid, we used gar­lic cloves, lemon peel, rose­mary sprigs, and thyme sprigs to enhance these sand­wiches. 


EVOO Poached Lobster Rolls

Course: MainCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Lobster rolls are meant to be a casual meal, so feel free to pair these with some of your favorite potato chips, fries, or side sal­ads. When search­ing out lob­ster for your rolls, you can use whole cooked lob­sters that aver­age about 1 1/2 pounds each or already picked and por­tioned lob­ster meat. 


  • 2eachwhole cooked lob­sters (about 1 1/2lbs each), meat removed and cut into bite-sized pieces

  • 2cupsmild inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 3eachgar­lic cloves peeled

  • 2table­spoonslemon peel (about 1/2 a lemon)

  • fresh rose­mary and thyme sprigs

  • 1/4cupcel­ery, minced

  • 1/4cupmay­on­naise

  • 1 table­spoonfresh chives, chopped

  • 1/2tea­spoonsalt

  • 1/2tea­spoon lemon peel, minced (removed from the poach­ing liq­uid)

  • 4 – 8eachsplit top New England-style hot dog buns


  • Place lob­ster in a large saucepan and cover with olive oil. Add the gar­lic cloves, lemon peel, rose­mary sprig, and thyme sprig to the pan and warm slowly over medium-low heat; you want just teeny-tiny bub­bles sur­round­ing the lob­ster meat.
  • Cook for 20 min­utes, remove from the heat, and set aside to cool to room tem­per­a­ture. Remove some lemon peel from the pot, which is finely minced, approx. 1/2 tea­spoon.
  • Place cel­ery, may­on­naise, chives, salt, and minced lemon peel in a large bowl, and whisk to com­bine. Using a slot­ted spoon, remove the lob­ster meat from the pot, and place it in the bowl with the may­on­naise mix­ture, stir to com­bine.
  • Remove 3 – 6 table­spoons of the poach­ing oil from the pan. Brush hot dog buns with the reserved olive oil and toast in a warm skil­let or toaster oven until golden brown.
  • Fill the toasted rolls with lob­ster salad and serve the lob­ster rolls with your favorite sides, like potato chips or French fries. 

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