`Extra Crispy Olive Oil Patatas Bravas - Olive Oil Times

Extra Crispy Olive Oil Patatas Bravas

These delicious potatoes are cooked twice for double the crisp. Once in the skillet and, again, in the oven. A little smoked paprika and sea salt, then drizzled with a semi-homemade aioli, papatas bravas will become a new favorite side.
Extra Crispy Olive Oil Patatas Bravas
Extra Crispy Olive Oil Patatas Bravas
By Patterson Watkins
Oct. 26, 2020 08:10 UTC

A well-known and pop­u­lar tapas dish in Spain, pap­atas bravas can be much more than just a hum­ble bar snack.

There are typ­i­cally two com­po­nents to per­fect patatas: the pota­toes and the sauce. Bravas, a slightly spicy tomato sauce, adds some savory tang. In this recipe, the bravas sauce is com­bined, along with the aioli (a gar­licky mayo), for sim­plic­ity. 


Extra Crispy Olive Oil Patatas Bravas

Course: Sides, AppetizersCuisine: SpainDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



For faster prep time, feel free to make the bravas-aioli ahead of time. It can keep, refrig­er­ated, for a few days (this will help meld the fla­vors as well).


  • 1/4cupmild to medium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1eachshal­lot, peeled and sliced

  • 2eachgar­lic cloves, peeled and sliced

  • 6 – 8eachmedium yel­low yukon gold or red bliss pota­toes, medium-large dice 

  • 1tea­spoonsalt

  • 1 table­spoonsmoked paprika, divided

  • Bravas Aioli
  • 1cupmay­on­naise

  • 1eachsmall roma tomato, large dice

  • 1 – 2tea­spoonshot sauce

  • 3 table­spoons cilantro, chopped for gar­nish

  • lemon wedges for gar­nish 


  • Preheat oven to 425°F. Place a large bak­ing sheet pan in the oven to pre­heat.
  • Heat oil in a large, high-sided skil­let over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, add shal­lot and gar­lic. Sauté until fra­grant and ten­der, about 2 min­utes, and, using a slot­ted spoon, remove from the oil (reserv­ing oil in the pan) and trans­fer to a food proces­sor and set aside.
  • Carefully add pota­toes to the pan and cook for 6 – 8 min­utes, or until golden brown. Transfer pota­toes and oil to the hot (from the oven) bak­ing sheet and sea­son with salt and 1/2 table­spoon of smoked paprika. Toss the pota­toes to coat and place in the oven. Roast for another 6 – 8 min­utes, or until crispy and ten­der. 
  • Add remain­ing smoked paprika (1/2 table­spoon), may­on­naise, tomato and hot sauce to the food proces­sor with the gar­lic and shal­lot. Blend until smooth. Refrigerate aioli until ready to serve the pota­toes.
  • Once the pota­toes are crispy and ten­der, remove form the oven and place on a plate or plat­ter. Drizzle with aioli and sprin­kle with fresh herbs. Serve with a lit­tle lemon on the side for squeez­ing.

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