`Farro with Arugula and Oranges - Olive Oil Times
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Farro with Arugula and Oranges

A tangy and sweet orange dressing is paired with perfectly cooked farro, fresh arugula, and orange segments for a classy, filling salad. Serve with your favorite protein for a perfectly balanced meal.
Farro with Arugula and Oranges
Farro with Arugula and Oranges
By Tracy Nawara
Aug. 27, 2020 12:54 UTC

Farro is an ancient Italian grain that has a lovely tex­ture and nutty fla­vor. It is the per­fect ingre­di­ent for a tangy, fla­vor­ful dress­ing because farro takes on fla­vors very well. In this Farro with Arugula and Oranges, the dress­ing is made with fresh orange juice, shal­lot, Dijon, robust extra vir­gin olive oil, gar­lic, and orange zest for even more orange fla­vor. The sweet­ness of the dress­ing com­pli­ments the farro beau­ti­fully.

Since the dress­ing is so sweet and fla­vor­ful, pair­ing a bit­ter green with the salad adds bal­ance. Adding fresh arugula and fresh orange seg­ments bal­ance the sweet and bit­ter ele­ments of the salad. This farro dish can be served warm or chilled and is per­fect for an upscale out­door pic­nic.


Farro with Arugula and Oranges

Course: SidesDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Nutty farro is paired with a tangy, fresh orange dress­ing and tossed with arugula and orange seg­ments. A sweet, sour, tex­tured salad that your fam­ily will love!


  • 1cupdried farro

  • 1whole orange, zested

  • 1whole orange, seg­mented

  • 1whole orange, juiced

  • 1shal­lot, minced

  • 2tea­spoonsDijon mus­tard

  • 1small gar­lic clove, minced

  • 1/2lemon, juiced

  • 1/8cuprobust extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1tea­spoonsalt

  • 1tea­spoonblack pep­per

  • 1cupfresh baby arugula


  • Begin by boil­ing your farro as per the pack­age instruc­tions. Once al dente, set aside to cool slightly.
  • Zest, seg­ment, and juice your orange (this can be done with only 1 orange) and add to a large mix­ing bowl. Set seg­ments off to the side for gar­nish. Add shal­lot, Dijon, gar­lic, and lemon juice and whisk to com­bine.
  • While whisk­ing, slowly stream in your extra vir­gin olive oil until the dress­ing is com­bined and homoge­nous. The dress­ing should thicken slightly with the addi­tion of the robust oil.
  • Season the dress­ing with salt and pep­per.
  • Combine the cooked farro with the dress­ing. Toss together until coated. If farro was not cool when it was added, refrig­er­ate 1 hour until cool.
  • Add the fresh arugula before serv­ing and toss.
  • Top with fresh orange seg­ments and serve.


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