`Feta and Phyllo Cheese Pies - Olive Oil Times
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Feta and Phyllo Cheese Pies

These feta and phyllo pies, known as Tiropita in Greece are the perfect snack or side dish for your next get-together.
Feta and Phyllo Cheese Pies
Feta and Phyllo Cheese Pies
By Paul Kostandin
Oct. 5, 2020 09:59 UTC

Growing up my grand­mother would make these for every sin­gle get together or hol­i­day. There was­n’t an event on my father’s side of the fam­ily that did­n’t fea­ture these deli­cious phyllo cheese pies. Known as Tiropita in Greece — which lit­er­ally means cheese bread — we just called them Cheese Triangles” and asked for more!

Working with phyllo can be a pain. It is very del­i­cate and always seems to do the exact thing you don’t want it to. My first piece of advice is to take your time and relax, phyllo can’t be rushed and it does­n’t like to be mus­cled around. Go slow and every­thing will work out just fine.

My sec­ond piece of advice, which is arguably more impor­tant than my first, is to make sure you let your phyllo dough thaw com­pletely before try­ing to use it. I like to let it sit in the fridge for at least a day before I even attempt to use it. Frozen phyllo dough is com­pletely unwork­able, and if you want to avoid a tantrum, def­i­nitely let yours thaw fully.

Finally, when work­ing with phyllo, its to relax and remem­ber that even if it’s not per­fect” it will be deli­cious either way!

Make sure to use a medium, all-pur­pose extra vir­gin olive oil, and brush your phyllo sheets lib­er­ally when apply­ing it. The oil helps keep the phyllo crispy as it bakes, and the mel­low olive fla­vor bal­ances well with the salty feta cheese.


Feta and Phyllo Cheese Pies

Course: Appetizers, SnacksCuisine: Mediterranean, Greek


Prep time


Cooking time



These feta and phyllo cheese pies will make the per­fect appe­tizer or snack for your next get-together. Prep them in advance and bake them right before your guests arrive so they are warm and fresh. For a fun twist add some diced toma­toes or pep­pers to the mix, or try adding za’atar or oregano as well.


  • 1sleevephyllo dough, defrosted

  • 8 ozfeta cheese, crum­bled

  • 8ozcream cheese

  • 2eggs

  • 1tspsalt

  • 1tspblack pep­per

  • 1cupextra vir­gin olive oil (for brush­ing)


  • Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  • In a mix­ing bowl, com­bine the feta cream cheese, eggs, salt and pep­per.
  • Mix well.
  • Unroll the defrosted phyllo dough so it lays flat on your work sur­face. The phyllo should be posi­tion so the long edge runs away from you, por­trait style not land­scape.
  • Brush the top layer of phyllo dough with the extra vir­gin olive oil.
  • Place a spoon sized dol­lop of cheese mix­ture on the left corn of the brushed phyllo dough, on the side clos­est to you.
  • Carefully pick up the top two lay­ers of phyllo dough at the right cor­ner clos­est to you and fold the phyllo in half, width wise, so the cheese mix­ture is cov­ered by the phyllo lay­ers.
  • Brush the top layer of the folded phyllo rec­tan­gle with the extra vir­gin olive oil.
  • Begin to fold the phyllo dough like a flag or a paper foot­ball. Fold the bot­tom edge with the cheese mix­ture into a tri­an­gle by fold­ing the bot­tom right cor­ner up to the left edge. For the tri­an­gle upwards and then to the right.
  • Fold the tri­an­gle upwards and then to the left. Continue this process until you have folded the tri­an­gle com­pletely.
  • Place the tri­an­gle pack­age you have cre­ated onto a pre­pared sheet tray.
  • Brush the new top layer of phyllo dough with extra vir­gin olive oil and con­tinue this process until all the cheese mix­ture has been used.
  • Bake the tri­an­gles for 25 min­utes or until golden brown and flaky.
  • Allow the tri­an­gles to cool for 10 min­utes before enjoy­ing them. They will be extremely hot fresh from the oven.


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