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Grilled Asparagus Salad with Olive Oil and Parmesan

Celebrate the start of spring with this delicious grilled asparagus salad. Topped with parmesan cheese, hard boiled egg and fruity extra virgin olive oil, this is the perfect side dish to a light meal of pan roasted fish or grilled chicken.
By Paul Kostandin
Aug. 16, 2021 14:18 UTC

Asparagus is one of those veg­eta­bles that lets you know the sea­son is chang­ing. Like English peas or radishes, aspara­gus is a har­bin­ger of spring, and I always get incred­i­bly excited when I see it start to pop up at my local farm­ers’ mar­ket.

Every year as a young cook I would patiently wait for spring to set in and the first deliv­er­ies of fresh spring veg­eta­bles to grace our kitchens. Year after year I would find myself prepar­ing a grilled aspara­gus salad as one of the first spe­cials from the new spring menu, and I grew to trea­sure the pen­cil-thin, bright green stalks that worked so per­fectly on the grill.

This salad is great as a side dish for a larger meal or as an appe­tizer for a small get-together. You can pre­pare the salad as one large serv­ing or plate it indi­vid­u­ally for your guests. Either way this salad should be served warm, and with a fork and knife. While long lines of per­fectly grilled aspara­gus are beau­ti­ful on a plate, they are less than con­ve­nient to eat grace­fully, a knife will help break the pieces up into man­age­able bites.

To pre­pare the salad, pre­heat your grill and oil the aspara­gus with 1 – 2 tbsp of extra vir­gin olive oil. Season the aspara­gus with salt/pepper and grill until just cooked. Ideally, the aspara­gus will be crisp and fla­vor­ful, and not wilted. It really only takes 2 – 3 min­utes to cook the aspara­gus fully.

Once the aspara­gus is cooked, arrange the spears on a plate and sea­son them again with more olive oil and fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Top the aspara­gus with parme­san, diced hard-boiled eggs and fresh herbs before serv­ing.

For the grilling por­tion of this recipe, I like to use a medium-bod­ied olive oil that will work well with a high heat cook­ing method. I reserve the lighter, fruitier olive oil for the dress­ing where it can add to the dish and blend with the fresh lemon, and parme­san cheese.


Grilled Asparagus Salad with Olive Oil and Parmesan.

Course: sal­ads, sidesCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Celebrate the start of spring with this deli­cious grilled aspara­gus salad. Topped with parme­san cheese, hard-boiled egg and fruity extra vir­gin olive oil, this is the per­fect side dish for a light meal of pan roasted fish or grilled chicken.


  • For the grilled aspara­gus
  • 1bunchaspara­gus spears, bot­toms trimmed away

  • 2tbspmedium-bod­ied extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1tspkosher salt

  • For the toppings/dressing
  • 2tbsplight-bod­ied aro­matic extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 2tbspfresh-squeezed lemon juice

  • 1/4cupparme­san cheese

  • 2eachhard-boiled eggs, diced

  • saltto taste

  • pep­perto taste


  • Preheat your grill and allow it to get good and hot.
  • Season the aspara­gus with medium-bod­ied olive oil and kosher salt
  • Grill the aspara­gus until just cooked, you want the aspara­gus to retain a nice crunch when fin­ished.
  • Arrange the grilled aspara­gus on a plate.
  • Dress the aspara­gus with lemon juice and light-bod­ied extra vir­gin olive oil.
  • Top the dressed aspara­gus with parme­san cheese and hard-boiled eggs.
  • Garnish the salad with fresh herbs and cracked black pep­per.
  • Enjoy!

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