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Grilled Oysters with Citrus and Olive Oil Gremolata

Throw some oysters on the barbie this fall and show off those grilling skills. These grilled oysters with citrus gremolata will truly up the appetizer offering for your next get together.
Grilled Oysters with Citrus and Olive Oil Gremolata
Grilled Oysters with Citrus and Olive Oil Gremolata
By Paul Kostandin
Sep. 16, 2020 14:46 UTC

Grilled oys­ters make for an awe­some appe­tizer espe­cially as the evenings start to cool off but you still want to enjoy fresh seafood out­side! They are just so easy to make, you’ll find your­self wish­ing you bought more than just a dozen. Luckily, this amount of gre­mo­lata will more than suf­fice should you want to add another dozen or two to the grill. 

When shuck­ing oys­ters it’s impor­tant to be patient and take your time, their’s noth­ing worse than a cracked shell, and oys­ters are a bit tricky if you don’t have a ton of expe­ri­ence. 

Try grilling the lemons before squeez­ing them for juice, it will give the gre­mo­lata a smokey essence that will only increase the grilled aspect of the oys­ters. Use a more neu­tral olive oil for your gre­mo­lata this will allow the brini­ness of the oys­ter to shine through!


Grilled Oysters with Citrus and Olive Oil Gremolata

Course: Appetizers, SnacksCuisine: American, Mediterranean


Prep time


Cooking time



This grilled oys­ter recipe is the per­fect com­bi­na­tion of rich fire roasted oys­ters and cit­rusy gre­mo­lata. Be sure to grab one quick, these don’t nor­mally stick around for very long!


  • 12fresh oys­ters

  • 1tbspslemon zest

  • 1tbsplime zest

  • 2tbspchopped pars­ley

  • 2cloveschopped gar­lic

  • 1tspsalt

  • 1/4cuplemon juice

  • 1/4cuplime juice

  • 1/4cupextra vir­gin olive oil


  • To make the gre­mo­lata
  • In a bowl com­bine the lemon zest, lime zest, lemon juice, lime juice, olive oil, gar­lic, pars­ley and salt. 
  • Mix well and taste for sea­son­ing. Adjust as nec­es­sary.
  • Reserve for later. 
  • To pre­pare the oys­ters
  • Preheat your grill until it is very hot, if using char­coal wait until the brock­ets have a uni­form grey coat­ing around them. 
  • Carefully shuck the oys­ters, keep the top shell for grilling the oys­ters.
  • Place the oys­ters on the grill with the top shell cov­er­ing them. Cook the oys­ters until you see small bub­bles of liquid/steam escap­ing from the side of the shell.
  • Remove the oys­ters from the grill. Remove the top shell, care­fully spoon the gre­mo­lata over the oys­ters. 
  • Enjoy imme­di­ately!


  • This recipe makes more gre­mo­lata than you will need for a dozen oys­ters, feel free to increase the num­ber of oys­ters you are prepar­ing or keep the gre­mo­lata refrig­er­ated for up to a week in an air­tight con­tainer.

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