`Grilled Peach Whiskey Sour - Olive Oil Times
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Grilled Peach Whiskey Sour

Extra virgin olive oil adds a delightful pepperiness to these peaches, pairing well with really good whiskey or bourbon.
Grilled Peach Whiskey Sour
By Patterson Watkins
Jul. 14, 2023 19:03 UTC

The grilled peaches make this sweet-and-sour cock­tail much more refresh­ing and cre­ative. Mild-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil adds a delight­ful pep­per­i­ness to these peaches, pair­ing well with really good whiskey or bour­bon. 

To make this cock­tail, we first brush the fresh peaches with EVOO before sprin­kling with a bit of sugar and grilling. The oil helps facil­i­tate the carameliza­tion of the sug­ars in the peaches and the lit­tle sugar we added to them, cre­at­ing excel­lent grill marks and that nice touch of smok­i­ness. The fresh lime juice and bit­ters round out the sweet and smoky fla­vors, mak­ing for a well-bal­anced cock­tail.


Grilled Peach Whiskey Sour

Course: CocktailDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Fresh peaches are best for this recipe (as frozen peaches will be a lit­tle too water-logged) and can be grilled and mud­dled before­hand if you’re look­ing for a prep-ahead option.


  • 2eachfresh peaches, halved with the pit removed

  • 3table­spoonsmild inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • pinchgran­u­lated sugar

  • 6ozwhiskey

  • 6ozfresh lime juice

  • 4ozsim­ple syrup

  • 4dashes bit­ters

  • peach seltzer or sparkling water

  • fresh rose­mary sprigs for gar­nish


  • Preheat a gas grill to medium-high heat or prep char­coals for a char­coal grill.
  • Generously brush peaches with olive oil and sprin­kle with sugar. Cut side down, grill peaches for 1 – 2 min­utes or until grill marks form and the peaches are slightly ten­der. Remove from the grill and set aside to cool.
  • Once the peaches have cooled, place 2 halves into a large cock­tail shaker and mud­dle, cre­at­ing a mash.
  • Fill the shaker with whiskey, lime juice, sim­ple syrup, and bit­ters. Vigorously shake and strain into a pitcher.
  • Fill glasses with ice and divide the peach base between the glasses, fill­ing approx­i­mately 1/3 full. Pour seltzer into the glasses, fill­ing almost to the top, and stir to com­bine.
  • Thickly slice the remain­ing grilled peach halves and skewer the slices into rose­mary sprigs to gar­nish the cock­tail.

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