`Lemon Chicken Skewers with Homemade Tzatziki - Olive Oil Times
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Lemon Chicken Skewers with Homemade Tzatziki

Lemony herb-marinated chicken is skewered fresh alongside red bell peppers and onions for a healthy, flavorful meal that is done right on the grill. Served with a homemade tzatziki flavored with robust extra virgin olive oil and dill.
Lemon Chicken Skewers with Homemade Tzatziki
Lemon Chicken Skewers with Homemade Tzatziki
By Tracy Nawara
Aug. 27, 2020 07:13 UTC

Chicken kebabs are a clas­sic sta­ple on the sum­mer­time grill. Lemon pen­e­trates chicken beau­ti­fully when mar­i­nated, and this punchy, spicy lemon mari­nade is spec­tac­u­lar!

Using fresh Greek oregano high­lights the lemony fla­vor. Add some crushed red pep­per flakes for heat, and some honey to bal­ance out the tart­ness and caramelize on the grill.

After only a few hours in the fridge, the chicken is ready to grill. Skewer onto some soaked bam­boo with red bell pep­pers and red onion, or any veg­gies you like. Fresh Homemade Tzatziki is the per­fect chilled and creamy accou­ter­ment.


Lemon Chicken Skewers with Homemade Tzatziki

Course: DinnerDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Marinating Time



A sim­ple mari­nade of lemon zest, lemon juice, Greek oregano, robust extra vir­gin olive oil, red pep­per flakes, and honey com­bine to cre­ate a com­plex, ultra-lemony chicken kebab. Marinade for as lit­tle as 2 hours, as long as overnight. Serve with this fla­vor­ful, herba­ceous home­made tzatziki for the per­fect com­pli­ment.


  • 1.5poundsbone­less, skin­less chicken breast, cut into cubes

  • 2tea­spoonssalt

  • 1tea­spoonblack pep­per

  • Zest of 1 lemon

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 1/4cupmedium extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1clovegar­lic, minced

  • 2sprigsfresh Greek oregano, minced

  • 1tea­spooncrushed red pep­per flakes

  • 1tea­spoonhoney

  • 1red bell pep­per, cut into large cubes

  • 1/2red onion, cut into large cubes and lay­ers sep­a­rated

  • Homemade Tzatziki
  • 1cupGreek yogurt

  • 1whole cucum­ber, shred­ded

  • 1table­spoonrobust extra vir­gin olive oil

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 2tea­spoonsfresh dill, minced

  • 1large gar­lic clove, minced


  • Season your chicken breasts with the salt and pep­per evenly on all sides.
  • In a large bowl, add lemon zest, juice, olive oil, gar­lic, oregano, crushed red pep­per flakes, and honey. Whisk to com­bine. Add your sea­soned chicken and toss around in the mari­nade.
  • Marinade the chicken for at least 2 hours, but it can also go overnight. Do not mari­nade for longer than 12 hours.
  • 1 hour before cook­ing, soak your wooden skew­ers in water to avoid burn­ing on the grill.
  • Cut your pep­pers and onions as uni­formly as pos­si­ble, sim­i­lar in size to the chicken.
  • Pierce a piece of chicken onto a skewer, fol­lowed by a piece of pep­per, then onion, then chicken again. Repeat. Start and end each skewer with chicken. Each kebab will hold about 3 pieces of pep­per, 3 pieces of onion, and 6 pieces of chicken.
  • Next, make your tzatziki. Add your Greek yogurt to a medium bowl.
  • After shred­ding your cucum­ber, set it in a sieve and allow to drain until most of the water is drained/squeezed out. Add to the yogurt.
  • Add EVOO, lemon juice, dill, and gar­lic to the sauce. Mix together com­pletely and sea­son with salt and pep­per as needed. Allow to chill in the fridge while you grill your chicken.
  • Heat up your grill. Add skew­ers over the direct heat and cook, turn­ing fre­quently, about 20 min­utes or until com­pletely cooked through.
  • Remove kebabs onto a plate and serve imme­di­ately with the tzatziki.


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