`Lemon Olive Oil Fingerling Potatoes with Feta - Olive Oil Times

Lemon Olive Oil Fingerling Potatoes with Feta

These roasted potatoes take it one step further by adding fresh feta, the vibrant flavor of an extra-virgin olive oil and the brightness of fresh lemon juice at the end.
Lemon Olive Oil Fingerling Potatoes with Feta
Lemon Olive Oil Fingerling Potatoes with Feta
By Christina Mercado
Oct. 26, 2020 14:39 UTC

The cul­ti­va­tion of pota­toes began thou­sands of years ago in South America before mak­ing their jour­ney north and then over to Europe in the 16th cen­tury. They quickly became a sta­ple in many cuisines as they were found to be easy to grow and a source of sus­te­nance.

From mashed to fried, baked to gratins, it’s evi­dent that pota­toes con­tinue to be an impor­tant part of our diet for how they carry fla­vors. This recipe takes a sim­ple roasted potato and makes it the per­fect side for any dish by adding lay­ers or fla­vor, start­ing with a rich extra vir­gin olive oil.


Lemon Olive Oil Fingerling Potatoes with Feta

Course: Appetizers, SidesCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Roasted pota­toes are the per­fect side to any meal. Quick to make and full of fla­vor; They can accom­pany an omelet for break­fast, a sand­wich for lunch, or a grilled chicken for din­ner.

This recipe takes it one step fur­ther by adding the vibrant fla­vor of extra vir­gin olive oil and the bright­ness of fresh lemon juice at the end. Creamy pieces of crum­bled feta folded into the hot pota­toes add a del­i­cate salty fla­vor, mak­ing these pota­toes deli­cious enough to eat on their own.


  • 1lbfin­ger­ling pota­toes, quar­tered

  • 3Tbsprefined olive oil

  • 1tspsea salt

  • 1/2tspblack pep­per

  • 1/2tsporegano

  • 1/4tsppaprika

  • 1Tbspextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 2tspfresh lemon juice

  • 1ozfeta cheese, crum­bled


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
  • Add pota­toes to a medium pot with salted water. Bring pot to a boil and cook until pota­toes are al dente. Strain pota­toes out of water and into a medium bowl.
  • Toss fin­ger­ling pota­toes with blended oil, salt, pep­per, paprika, and oregano. Arrange onto a sheet tray lined with parch­ment paper.
  • Bake for 20 – 25 min­utes. Remove from the oven just when they start turn­ing brown. A fork should be able to eas­ily go though the pota­toes.
  • In a bowl, toss baked pota­toes in with extra-vir­gin olive oil and lemon juice until well com­bined. Just before serv­ing, fold in feta crum­bles!


  • Use a refined olive oil to bake the pota­toes as the oven is at a high tem­per­a­ture. Reserve the extra vir­gin olive oil to toss the pota­toes with after for the best fla­vor!

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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