`Melon, Pistachio and Olive Oil Salad - Olive Oil Times
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Melon, Pistachio and Olive Oil Salad

This refreshing melon dish is the perfect side salad or snack for those hot days. Cantaloupe, honeydew, and watermelon are drizzled with honey and extra virgin olive oil. A hefty sprinkle of feta, pistachios, and mint follow the drizzles as well as a finish of super flaky sea salt.
Melon, Pistachio and Olive Oil Salad
By Patterson Watkins
Aug. 16, 2021 14:23 UTC

Melons and a mild to medium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil are very well paired. The sweet, fra­grant mel­ons work beau­ti­fully well with ver­dant and pep­pery oils, cre­at­ing a fun lit­tle palate play, all while bal­anc­ing each other. The pis­ta­chios, mint, and feta add fan­tas­tic fla­vor and ele­va­tion to an oth­er­wise hum­ble fruit salad.


Melon, Pistachio and Olive Oil Salad

Course: SaladsCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



Make sure to find ripe mel­ons to use in this salad. Depending on the sweet­ness of the can­taloupe, hon­ey­dew, or water­melon, you may want to adjust the amount of honey used in this recipe. For a com­pletely vegan alter­na­tive, sub­sti­tute the honey for agave and the feta for your favorite crumbly vegan cheese vari­ety. 


  • 1eachcan­taloupe, peeled, seeded, and cut into cubes

  • 1each hon­ey­dew melon, peeled, seeded, and cut into cubes

  • 1/2eachwater­melon, peeled and cut into cubes

  • 1/4cuphoney

  • 1/4cupmild to medium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/4cupfeat cheese crum­bles

  • 1/4cupchopped pis­ta­chios

  • 2table­spoonsfresh mint, chopped

  • 1pinchflaky sea salt


  • Place can­taloupe, hon­ey­dew, and water­melon on a large plat­ter or dis­trib­ute between indi­vid­ual plates. Drizzle melon with honey and olive oil. Then sprin­kle with feta, pis­ta­chios, mint, and salt before serv­ing. 

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