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Olive Oil and Chocolate Mousse with Pomegranate Molasses

Chocolate Mousse is the perfect dessert for any get-together or dinner party. It's easy to make in advance and never fails to impress. This Olive Oil Chocolate Mousse is the perfect blend of rich chocolate, spicy olive oil, and tart pomegranate molasses!
Olive Oil and Chocolate Mousse with Pomegranate Molasses
Olive Oil and Chocolate Mousse with Pomegranate Molasses
By Paul Kostandin
Oct. 23, 2020 07:20 UTC

Chocolate mousse is an amaz­ing addi­tion to any din­ner party or get together. You can pre­pare it well in ada­vance, and it never fails to draw oohhs and ahhs from your guests.

Many choco­late mousse recipes call for expen­sive choco­late, or long cooking/prep times that often make it a bur­den to pro­duce at home. Luckily this recipe can be made from things you most likely have in your cab­i­nets. The semi­sweet choco­late works per­fectly with a robust olive oil, and you can sub­sti­tute the pome­gran­ate molasses for a touch of bal­samic vine­gar mixed with some berry jam.


Olive Oil and Chocolate Mousse with Pomegranate Molasses

Course: DessertCuisine: French, AmericanDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



This choco­late mousse is heavy on the choco­late and bal­ances well with the tart pome­gran­ate molasses. Portion this recipe indi­vid­u­ally or serve it fam­ily style in one large dish for a strik­ing dessert course!


  • For the mousse
  • 1cupsemi sweet choco­late chips

  • 1/4cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 4eaeggs, sep­a­rated into whites and yolks

  • 4tbspsugar

  • 1tsp sea salt

  • 1 tspvanilla extract

  • For the gar­nish
  • 8eamaraschino cher­ries

  • 4tbsppome­gran­ate molasses

  • 2tbspcon­fec­tion­ers sugar


  • To pre­pare the mousse
  • Combine the choco­late and olive oil in a heat-safe bowl. Melt the choco­late and oil mix­ture over a dou­ble boiler or in the microwave, add the sea salt, mix well until com­pletely com­bined, and then allow it to cool slightly. 
  • Combine the egg whites and 2 table­spoons of sugar in a bowl. Whip the egg whites by hand or with a stand mixer until they achieve stiff peaks. Set aside until later.
  • Combine 2 table­spoons of sugar, egg yolks and vanilla extract in a bowl. Place the bowl over the dou­ble boiler and begin whisk­ing. 
  • Continue to whisk the egg yolk, vanilla and sugar mix­ture until the egg yolks are fluffy and light yel­low.
  • Fold the egg yolk mix­ture into the melted choco­late mix­ture.
  • Using three addi­tions, fold the whipped egg whites into the choco­late and egg yolk mix­ture. The first addi­tion will loosen the mix­ture, the sec­ond addi­tion will add vol­ume and the final addi­tion allows the mousse to reach the final vol­ume needed. 
  • Prepare 4 – 6 small bowls or mugs by pour­ing a tea­spoon of pome­gran­ate molasses into the bot­tom.
  • Portion the mousse evenly into the con­tain­ers, tap­ping lightly to dis­trib­ute the mousse evenly and avoid any air pock­ets. 
  • Place the mousse cups into the refrig­er­a­tor and allow them to cool for 2 – 3 hours or until set com­pletely.
  • To gar­nish and serve
  • To Garnish driz­zle the remain­ing pome­gran­ate molasses over the top of the mousse cups, top with maraschino cher­ries and dust lightly with the con­fec­tion­ers sugar. 

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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