`Olive Oil Crispy Eggplant with Garlic Tzatziki - Olive Oil Times

Olive Oil Crispy Eggplant with Garlic Tzatziki

These super crispy egg­plant slices are so very deli­cious. Delightful as a lit­tle party appe­tizer or for a veg­gie-cen­tric main entree.
Olive Oil Crispy Eggplant with Garlic Tzatziki
Olive Oil Crispy Eggplant with Garlic Tzatziki
By Patterson Watkins
Aug. 25, 2020 07:17 UTC

These super crispy egg­plant slices are so very deli­cious. Delightful as a lit­tle party appe­tizer or for a veg­gie-cen­tric main entree.


Olive Oil Crispy Eggplant with Garlic Tzatziki

Course: Sides, Appetizers


Prep time


Cooking time



Why some­one thought fry­ing in EVOO was a bad thing, we do not know. Olive oil is the best option for pan-fried or deep-fried foods, includ­ing these.


  • 1medium egg­plant, sliced

  • coarse salt

  • 1cuppanko bread­crumbs

  • 2 table­spoons sesame seeds

  • 1/2cupall-pur­pose flour

  • 1 tea­spoonground cumin

  • 1/4tea­spoonsalt

  • 2eggs, beaten

  • extra vir­gin olive oil for fry­ing (about 1 – 2 cups depend­ing on the size of your pan)

  • 1/2cupfull fat greek yogurt

  • 1/2 cupsour cream

  • 2table­spoons may­on­naise (optional)

  • 1tea­spoonfresh dill, chopped

  • 2gar­lic cloves, peeled and minced

  • 1/4cupcucum­ber, minced

  • 2table­spoonsred onion or shal­lot, peeled and minced

  • 2tea­spoonslemon juice

  • lemon wedges


  • Place sliced egg­plant on a large plate or plat­ter and sprin­kle each slice, gen­er­ously, with salt. Let the egg­plant sit for 30 min­utes, or until some of the excess liq­uid begins to pool or seep out. Rinse the salt off of the slices and pat each dry with paper tow­els.
  • Meanwhile, set up your bread­ing sta­tion. Place bread­crumbs and sesame seeds in a bowl, stir to com­bine. Place flour, along with cumin and salt in another bowl, stir to com­bine. Lastly, place eggs in another bowl.
  • To bread the egg­plant, coat each slice in flour, dip into the egg (let­ting any excess drip off) and then coat in the bread­crumbs, press­ing slightly with your hands to adhere. Set breaded slices on a wire rack and let rest for 10 min­utes.
  • Fill a large dutch oven or high-sided skil­let 1/3 of the way full with oil and heat over medium-high. Once the tem­per­a­ture reaches 350°F, care­fully, and while work­ing in batches, add breaded slices into the hot oil. Fry for 4 – 5 min­utes, flip­ping halfway through, until the crust is golden brown and crispy. Return to the wire rack to drain.
  • Combine yogurt, sour cream, may­on­naise, dill, gar­lic, cucum­ber, onion and lemon juice in a bowl and whisk to com­bine the tzatziki sauce, keep refrig­er­ated until ready to serve.
  • Serve egg­plant slices with tzatziki for dip­ping along with a cou­ple lemon wedges for a lit­tle squeeze of cit­rus.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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