`Olive Oil Marinated Cremini Mushrooms - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Marinated Cremini Mushrooms

These delicious marinated cremini mushrooms make a great snack, or a side dish for your next cookout or gathering. Think of the seasonings in this recipe as a starting point and adjust or substitute depending on your personal preferences.
Olive Oil Marinated Cremini Mushrooms.
By Paul Kostandin
Apr. 15, 2021 00:22 UTC

I have never been a big fan of meal prep­ping at home, but I do love mak­ing big batches of refrig­er­a­tor sta­ble pantry sta­ples” like dips, spreads, jams, and mar­i­nated veg­gies. This allows me to make use of what­ever I find in abun­dance at the farm­ers mar­ket or gro­cery store, and to cre­ate easy options for quick meals that are both sat­is­fy­ing and deli­cious. 

Marinated mush­rooms or mush­room salad is one of my favorite pantry items to keep on hand, espe­cially when I get a good deal on crem­ini mush­rooms. Cremini mush­rooms are essen­tially small porta­bella mush­rooms picked early, they are about the size and shape of a tra­di­tional but­ton mush­room, but in my opin­ion pack a lot more fla­vor. 

Whenever I see a sale on crem­inis I like to pick up a few pack­ages and pre­pare my mush­room salad recipe. It’s easy to make in large batches, stays good for up to 5 days in the refrig­er­a­tor, and makes a great addi­tion to any cook­out or potluck. 

To pre­pare, sim­ply remove the stems from 2 – 3 pack­ages of crem­ini mush­rooms. Coat the mush­rooms in olive oil and sea­son­ings and then roast them until just cooked. Allow the mush­rooms to cool before mix­ing them with vine­gar, more extra vir­gin olive oil, and sea­son­ings. 

Now comes the hard part, it’s impor­tant to allow the mush­rooms 6 hours to mar­i­nate before enjoy­ing them. Personally, I think it’s best if you wait until the next day to eat your mush­room salad, but I under­stand that can be dif­fi­cult espe­cially with how good it smells when it’s ready. 

I like to use full-bod­ied, rich, aro­matic extra vir­gin olive oil for this recipe and espe­cially for the mari­nade. The rich olive tones and earthy fla­vor will blend with the deli­cious roasted mush­rooms, spicy gar­lic, and sea­son­ings to cre­ate an absolutely incred­i­ble fla­vor com­bi­na­tion. 


Olive Oil Marinated Cremini Mushrooms.



Prep time


Cooking time



These deli­cious mar­i­nated crem­ini mush­rooms make a great snack, or a side dish for your next cook­out or gath­er­ing. Think of the sea­son­ings in this recipe as a start­ing point and adjust or sub­sti­tute depend­ing on your per­sonal pref­er­ences.


  • For the roasted mush­rooms
  • 2 cupscrem­ini mush­rooms, stems removed

  • 1/4cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1tspkosher salt

  • For the mari­nade
  • 1cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/4cupred wine vine­gar

  • 2tspchopped gar­lic

  • 1tspdried oregano

  • 1tspchopped pars­ley

  • 1/4tspcrushed red pep­per


  • To roast the mush­rooms.
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  • In a bowl sea­son the cleaned crem­ini mush­rooms with the olive oil and salt.
  • Spread the sea­soned mush­rooms onto a bak­ing pan and place the pan in the pre­heated oven.
  • Once the mush­rooms are fully cooked, remove the tray from the oven and allow the mush­rooms to cool fully before mar­i­nat­ing.
  • To mar­i­nate the mush­rooms.
  • Once the mush­rooms have cooled, com­bine them with the extra vir­gin olive oil, vine­gar, and sea­son­ings in a bowl.
  • Mix well and allow the mush­rooms to mar­i­nate for at least 6 horus in the refrig­er­a­tor before enjoy­ing!

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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