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Olive Oil Risotto with Grilled Summer Vegetables

Summer is the season for spectacular produce. A perfect pairing for extra virgin olive oil laced risotto.
Olive Oil Risotto with Grilled Summer Vegetables
By Patterson Watkins
Aug. 16, 2021 13:57 UTC

Risotto is a hum­ble dish of savory por­ridge-like rice. This recipe using an abun­dance of robust extra vir­gin olive oil, as well as another sum­mer-sea­son favorite, rosé wine, in fla­vor­ing and sea­son­ing this dish.

Additional olive oil is used to aid in the grilling of the veg­eta­bles, fresh corn, zuc­chini, and tri-col­ored toma­toes. A lit­tle parme­san cheese, fresh basil, and cracked black pep­per are all that are needed to make this risotto pop. 


Olive Oil Risotto with Grilled Summer Vegetables

Course: MainCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



Feel free to add in any addi­tional sea­sonal veg­eta­bles to this recipe. Eggplant, yel­low squash, onions, and even green beans would be wel­come addi­tions. 


  • Risotto
  • 1/4cup
    medium to robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 2eachgar­lic cloves, peeled and minced

  • 1/4cupyel­low onion or shal­lots, peeled and minced

  • 1cuparbo­rio rice

  • 1/2 cuprosé wine

  • 3 1/2 cupschicken or veg­etable broth

  • 1/2cupparme­san cheese, grated

  • salt and pep­per to taste

  • 2eachears of corn, shucked

  • 2cupstri-col­ored cherry toma­toes

  • 1eachmedium zuc­chini, sliced

  • 2table­spoons
    medium to robust inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 1/2tea­spoonsalt

  • 1/4tea­spooncracked black pep­per

  • 2 – 3table­spoonsfresh basil, chopped or whole leaves


  • Preheat a gas grill or prep char­coals for a char­coal grill to medium-high heat (you can alter­na­tively use a stove-top grill pan).
  • Heat oil in a large high-sided skil­let or pot over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, add the gar­lic and onion, sauté until fra­grant, about 1 minute. 
  • Add the rice, stir to com­bine, and con­tinue to sauté for another (1) minute. Deglaze the pan with wine and bring to a sim­mer, once all of the wine has evap­o­rated, about 3 – 4 min­utes, begin adding the broth, one cup at a time.

  • Bring the broth to a sim­mer and once that first cup of broth has mostly absorbed into the rice, add in another cup, stir­ring occa­sion­ally to keep the rice from stick­ing to the bot­tom of the pan. When you’re ready to add that last 1/2 cup of broth, reduce heat to low, stir in the broth and parme­san, and keep warm until ready to serve. The risotto should be a lit­tle soupy’ and the rice will be ten­der with a slight bite (al dente). Season to taste with salt and pep­per. 
  • While the risotto is cook­ing, place corn, toma­toes, and zuc­chini in a large bowl. Drizzle the veg­gies with oil and sea­son with salt and pep­per, toss to coat. Once the grill is hot, add veg­gies and grill, just until grill marks form, about 3 – 4 min­utes (depend­ing on the veg­etable, the toma­toes will char before the corn or zuc­chini, work in batches if nec­es­sary). 
  • Remove the ker­nels from the corn cob and halve the toma­toes. 
    Divide risotto between bowls or plates and top with corn, zuc­chini, and toma­toes. Garnish with fresh basil before serv­ing. 

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