`Olive Oil Roasted Bloody Mary Mix - Olive Oil Times
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Olive Oil Roasted Bloody Mary Mix

This homemade Bloody Mary Mix is fully loaded with vibrant veggie, savory spices, and aromatic ingredients -- so much tastier than the store-bought options.
Olive Oil Roasted Bloody Mary
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 25, 2022 16:40 UTC

This home­made Bloody Mary Mix is fully loaded with vibrant veg­gies, savory spices, and aro­matic ingre­di­ents. Roasting the toma­toes, gar­lic, onions, and jalapeño pep­pers, our main-mary ingre­di­ents, deep­ens their fla­vor mak­ing this mix so much tastier than the store-bought options. 

Campari toma­toes or toma­toes on the vine are known for being well-ripened, extra juicy, sweet, and mildly acidic. Mild to mod­er­ate EVOOs still have a lovely pun­gency and pep­per­i­ness, per­fectly in bal­ance with the toma­toes. Along with the other roasted veg­gies (gar­lic, onion, and jalapeño) this is a rel­a­tively basic and easy recipe to make that still tastes fresh, spicy, and com­plex all at once. 


Olive Oil Roasted Bloody Mary Mix

Course: CocktailCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy

6 – 8

Prep time


Cooking time



This mix can be made a day or two in advance and kept refrig­er­ated until ready to assem­ble the cock­tails. Pair this home­made mix with your favorite top-shelf vodka for a tra­di­tional Bloody Mary or mix things up a lit­tle with sil­ver or gold tequila for a Bloody Maria. We love gar­nish­ing our Bloody Mary’s or Maria’s with ingre­di­ents found in our mix; cel­ery, lemon, toma­toes, olive or pick­les.


  • 4 – 5eachCampari toma­toes or toma­toes on the vine

  • 6eachgar­lic cloves, peeled 

  • 1/2eachyel­low onion, peeled

  • 1eachjalapeño, halved and seeded

  • 1/4 cupmild to medium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 1tea­spoonsalt

  • 1tea­spooncel­ery seeds

  • 1/2tea­spoonblack pep­per

  • 1/2tea­spoonsmoked paprika

  • 1/4 cuplemon juice

  • 4cupstomato juice

  • 1tablep­soonWorcestershire sauce

  • 1tablep­soongrated horse­rad­ish

  • 2table­spoons pickle or olive juice


  • Preheat the oven to 450°F and line a large bak­ing sheet with alu­minum foil.
  • Place toma­toes, gar­lic cloves, onion, and jalapeño in a large bowl, driz­zle with olive oil, and sea­son with salt, cel­ery seeds, black pep­per, and smoked paprika. Toss to coat and trans­fer to the pre­pared bak­ing sheet.
  • Place in the oven and roast for 20 min­utes or until the veg­eta­bles are ten­der and mod­er­ately charred.
  • Once roasted, place the veg­gies in a blender along with lemon juice, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, horse­rad­ish, and pickle juice, work­ing in batches as nec­es­sary depend­ing on the size of your blender. Blend until smooth and refrig­er­ate until ready to assem­ble the cock­tails.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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