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Olive Oil and Sea Salt Bread Boule

This bread boule is perfect for dipping and sopping with soups, extra saucy mains, and sandwiches and toast.
Olive Oil & Sea Salt Bread Boule
By Patterson Watkins
Jun. 27, 2023 21:10 UTC

Let’s get bak­ing with this awe­some and easy Olive Oil & Sea Salt Bread Boule recipe. This bread boule is per­fect for dip­ping and sop­ping with soups, extra saucy mains, and sand­wiches and toast. 

We use the Dutch oven bak­ing method with this bread recipe, where the loaf is cooked entirely in a pot! The Dutch oven cre­ates a cen­tral­ized heat and moist air con­vec­tion within the pot. Resulting in a nice airy loaf with a delight­fully crisp crust. EVOO is an impor­tant com­po­nent of this recipe, pro­vid­ing mois­ture, struc­ture, and fla­vor. There’s a scrump­tious ele­ment of fresh­ness and pep­per­i­ness when it comes to medium-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil, and we love it here in this recipe.


Olive Oil & Sea Salt Bread Boule

Course: Sides, BreadDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



This freshly baked boule will last a cou­ple of days at room tem­per­a­ture. It can also be frozen for 2 – 3 months, thawed, and reheated for later use. 


  • 3teap­soonsdry active yeast

  • 1tea­spoongran­u­lated sugar

  • 1 1/4cups warm water

  • 3cups all-pur­pose flour

  • 1tea­spoonflaky salt (plus extra for sprin­kling over the dough) 

  • 1/4cupmedium intense extra vir­gin olive oil (plus extra for brush­ing) 


  • Sprinkle yeast and sugar over the warm water and set aside for 5 – 10 min­utes to acti­vate the yeast (the yeast will get a lit­tle foamy).
  • Meanwhile, place flour and salt in the bowl of an elec­tric mixer fit­ted with the dough hook attach­ment and stir to com­bine.
  • With the mixer run­ning on low, slowly pour in the yeasty water and olive oil until a shaggy dough forms, about 2 min­utes. Increase the speed to medium and knead the dough for 4 – 5 min­utes or until the dough is smooth and slightly tacky. Add a lit­tle more flour (1 table­spoon at a time) if your dough is super sticky.
  • Remove the bowl from the mixer (or trans­fer the dough to another large bowl), cover with plas­tic wrap, and set aside in a warm spot to rise for 2 hours.
  • Sprinkle a clean work sur­face with a light dust­ing of flour, remove the dough from the bowl, and knead for 3 min­utes. Roll the dough into a large ball, return to the bowl, cover, and set aside to rise for another 2 hours. 
  • After the sec­ond round of rest­ing and ris­ing, pre­heat your oven to 450°F, rear­rang­ing the racks to accom­mo­date your Dutch oven. Once the oven has reached 450°F, place your Dutch oven (along with the lid) in the oven to pre­heat for 1 hour.
  • When there is approx. 30 min­utes remain­ing on the pre­heat. Remove the dough from the bowl, knead for another 3 min­utes, and reform it into a ball. Keep the dough cov­ered (you can return it to the bowl) until the Dutch oven has pre­heated. 
  • Carefully remove the pot from the oven and trans­fer the dough, plac­ing it in the cen­ter of the pot. Brush the dough with 2 – 3 table­spoons of olive oil and sprin­kle with a hearty table­spoon of flaky salt. Cover the pot with the pre­heated lid and return to the oven. Bake, cov­ered, for 45 min­utes.
  • After 45 min­utes, remove the lid, and bake, uncov­ered, for 15 min­utes. Remove the pot from the oven, care­fully remove the bread boule from the pot, and set aside to cool on a wire rack for 15 – 30 min­utes before slic­ing and serv­ing.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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