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Olive Oil Shrimp Fried Rice

We use a combination of soy sauce and ground turmeric to season the jasmine rice, even before it is stir-fried, making sure every grain is flavorful.
Olive Oil Shrimp Fried Rice
By Patterson Watkins
May. 31, 2023 16:31 UTC

We remixed a clas­sic take­out menu item with this recipe for Shrimp Fried Rice, made using extra vir­gin olive oil. EVOO is not only an amaz­ing ingre­di­ent to use for salad dress­ings and driz­zles, but it is also a dyna­mite ingre­di­ent for cook­ing. 

We use a com­bi­na­tion of soy sauce and ground turmeric to sea­son the jas­mine rice, even before it is stir-fried, mak­ing sure every grain is fla­vor­ful. Medium-inten­sity olive oil adds a lovely pun­gency and pep­per­i­ness that works well with the aro­mat­ics (gin­ger, gar­lic, onions, and scal­lions) in this recipe and pro­vides the clas­sic crispy rice ele­ments we love with fried rice. Everything from the shrimp to the eggs ben­e­fits from the use of EVOO.


Olive Oil Shrimp Fried Rice

Course: Main, SidesCuisine: ChineseDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



This recipe can be pro­duced in steps, allow­ing for a lit­tle leniency with meal prep­ping. The par-cook­ing of the rice can be done a few days in advance. The shrimp and scram­bled eggs can also be cooked in advance, reheat­ing dur­ing the final steps of this recipe.


  • Rice:
  • 2cupsjas­mine rice

  • 1 1/2cupswater

  • 3 table­spoonslow sodium soy sauce

  • 1/4tea­spoonground turmeric

  • Fried Rice Components:
  • 1/4cupmedium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil, divided

  • 2eacheggs, beaten

  • 1lblarge raw shrimp peeled and cut into bite-sized pieces

  • 1 table­spoonlow sodium soy sauce

  • 2eachgar­lic cloves, peeled and minced

  • 2tea­spoonsfresh gin­ger, peeled and minced

  • 1/2cupyel­low onion, peeled and diced

  • 1/2tea­spoonsalt

  • 1/2tea­spoongran­u­lated sugar

  • 1/2 tea­spoontoasted sesame oil

  • 1/2 tea­spoonwhite pep­per

  • 1cupfresh scal­lions, chopped


  • Soak rice in a bowl of cool water (cov­er­ing the rice com­pletely) for 10 min­utes, drain, and rinse. 
  • Place 1 1/2 cups of water, soy sauce, and turmeric in a large saucepan, and boil over high heat. Once boil­ing, add the rinsed rice, stir to com­bine, cover, and reduce heat to low. Steam rice for 20 – 30 min­utes or until ten­der.
  • Once ten­der, trans­fer the cooked rice to a large bak­ing sheet, spread it in an even layer, and set aside to cool at room tem­per­a­ture. Once cooled, trans­fer the rice to a zip­per bag­gie, and refrig­er­ate overnight.
  • Heat one table­spoon of oil in a large wok or skil­let. Once hot, add the beaten eggs and scram­ble until fluffy and cooked, about 2 min­utes. Remove from the skil­let and set aside on a large plate.
  • Add another (1) table­spoon of olive oil to the wok or skil­let, heat over medium-high, and add the shrimp and soy sauce. Stir fry the shrimp for 2 – 3 min­utes or until ten­der and cooked. Remove the shrimp using a slot­ted spoon, set­ting aside on the plate with the egg.
  • Heat the remain­ing (2) table­spoons of olive oil, and once hot, add the gar­lic, gin­ger, and onions. Stir-fry for 2 – 3 min­utes or until ten­der. Add the salt, sugar, sesame oil, pep­per, and scal­lions, and stir to com­bine. Add the rice to the wok or skil­let, and stir to com­bine with the veg­gies and sea­son­ings before spread­ing out in as even of a layer as pos­si­ble.
  • Crisp the rice for 2 min­utes, stir and repeat (spread­ing the rice out in an even layer and crisp­ing). Add the shrimp and eggs to the skil­let, stir to com­bine with the rice, and con­tinue to cook just enough to reheat the shrimp and eggs (about 1 – 2 min­utes). Add the scal­lions and stir to com­bine.
  • Transfer the rice to a serv­ing bowl or divide it between plates before serv­ing.

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