`Portuguese Bread Soup with Poached Eggs, Garlic and Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times

Portuguese Bread Soup with Poached Eggs, Garlic and Olive Oil

This simple hearty soup is a little like a savory porridge-stew, but instead of oats or rice, it’s made with bread). It’s superbly delicious, perfect comfort food on a dreary day and rich with flavors of garlic, extra virgin olive oil, soft poached eggs, chicken broth and cilantro.
Portuguese Bread Soup with Poached Eggs, Garlic and Olive Oil
Portuguese Bread Soup with Poached Eggs, Garlic and Olive Oil
By Patterson Watkins
Oct. 23, 2020 06:27 UTC

During Portugal’s rainy sea­son (November-December) any and every cafe you’ll enter will have locals warm­ing up over large bowls of soup. Steamy, bil­lowy drafts of chicken broth and gar­lic fill these estab­lish­ments. It’s intox­i­cat­ing, invit­ing and, you just know, extremely deli­cious. 


Portuguese Bread Soup with Poached Eggs, Garlic and Olive Oil

Course: SoupsCuisine: PortugueseDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Every bit of this soup is meant for left­overs. The gar­lic broth can be made well in advance and sim­mered hot right before serv­ing (just poach up some eggs). This recipe is a great way to uti­lize any left­over bread. 


  • 1/4cupmedium-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 6eachgar­lic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced

  • 5cupschicken broth

  • 4 – 6eachslices hearty rus­tic bread, cut into thick sliced 

  • 3table­spoonsmedium to high inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/8cupwhite vine­gar

  • 8eacheggs

  • 3/4cupfresh cilantro, chopped

  • 1pinchsalt (to taste)

  • 1 pinchcracked black pep­per (to taste)


  • Preheat oven to 425°F. 
  • Heat 1/4 cup of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add gar­lic and sauté until fra­grant and slightly golden, about 1 – 2 min­utes. Carefully pour in the broth, stir to com­bine, and bring to a sim­mer. Simmer for 10 – 15 min­utes, just to meld the fla­vors and keep the broth warm while the rest of the soup com­po­nents are pre­pared.
  • Brush bread slices with addi­tional olive oil (3 table­spoons) and place on a bak­ing sheet. Toast in the oven for 3 – 5 min­utes, or until crispy and slightly golden. Remove from the oven and set aside. 
  • Fill a medium to large saucepan halfway with water and add vine­gar. Bring to a sim­mer over medium-high heat. Once sim­mer­ing, gen­tly crack eggs into the pan (work­ing in batches if nec­es­sary) and poach until whites are slightly firm but yolks are runny, about 3 min­utes. Remove from the pan with a slot­ted spoon and set aside (on some paper tow­els or a paper towel lined plate). 
  • Fill bowls with gar­lic broth and add bread slices. Divide poached eggs evenly between bowls and place on top of the bread slices (the bread acts like a lit­tle raft for the eggs). Sprinkle gen­er­ously with cilantro, salt and pep­per before serv­ing. 

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