`Roasted Beet Salad with Sweet Corn, Goat Cheese, and Pistachios - Olive Oil Times
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Roasted Beet Salad with Sweet Corn, Goat Cheese, and Pistachios

Sweet and earthy roasted beet salad, with sweet corn and tangy goat cheese.
Roasted Beet Salad with Sweet Corn, Goat Cheese, and Pistachios
Roasted Beet Salad with Sweet Corn, Goat Cheese, and Pistachios
By Paul Kostandin
Sep. 5, 2020 08:19 UTC

This roasted beet and corn salad is a per­fect lunchtime option or go-to appe­tizer for your next get together. I’ve always felt that roasted corn and beets have a sim­i­lar fla­vor pro­file, and they play together nicely, off­set­ting the rich, tangi­ness of goat cheese and the orange/apple cider vinai­grette. 

Feel free to sub­sti­tute what­ever fresh veg­gies you might have at home for the roasted corn, and def­i­nitely try adding some fresh stone fruits if you have any of those avail­able. Go with a medium-strength extra vir­gin olive oil for the vinai­grette that will allow all of the fla­vors to reach a level of har­mony and bal­ance. 


Roasted Beet Salad with Sweet Corn, Goat Cheese and Pistachios

Course: Lunch, Dinner, SaladsCuisine: Mediterranean


Prep time


Cooking time



Sweet and earthy beet salad, with roasted corn, crunchy pis­ta­chios and tangy goat cheese.


  • For The Salad
  • 6small/medium red beets

  • 2ears of corn

  • 1/4cuptoasted pis­ta­chios

  • 4ozgoat cheese

  • 1cuporange seg­ments or slices

  • For The Vinaigrette
  • 1/4 cupapple cider vine­gar

  • 1/4cuporange juice

  • 1tbsporange zest

  • 1tbsphoney

  • 1 tspsalt

  • 1/2tspblack pep­per

  • 1/2tspground gin­ger

  • 1/2cupextra vir­gin olive oil


  • To Cook Beets
  • Preheat your oven to 350°F.
  • Remove the beets from their greens. Place the beets inside a sheet of tin foil and sea­son with olive oil and salt. 
  • Wrap the beets com­pletely in tin­foil and place the pack­age into the pre­heated oven. 
  • Roast the beets for 45 min­utes before begin­ning to check them for done­ness. 
  • You should be able to insert a knife cleanly into the roasted beets with­out resis­tance. 
  • Once the beets are roasted and ten­der allow them to cool for 20 min­utes before peel­ing. 
  • To peel, rub the out­side of the beet with a towel until the skin comes off. 
  • Dice the beets into thumb side pieces.
  • Reserve the peeled, diced beets until needed. 
  • To Cook Corn
  • Shuck the corn and sea­son with olive oil and salt. 
  • Place the corn on a sheet tray and place it in the pre­heated oven. 
  • Roasted the corn until it is golden and fra­grant. 
  • Allow the corn to cool.
  • Once cool, using a knife, strip the corn ker­nels from the cob. 
  • Reserve the corn ker­nels until needed. 
  • To Make Dressing
  • Combine the apple cider vine­gar, orange juice, orange zest honey, salt, black pep­per, gin­ger, sesame seeds, and olive oil together in a bowl. 
  • Mix well.
  • Reserve the vinai­grette until needed. 
  • To Plate Salad
  • In a large bowl com­bine the roasted beets, orange seg­ments, and vinai­grette. 
  • Spoon half of the dressed, beat and orange mix­ture into a serv­ing dish. 
  • Top the beet mix­ture with half of the roasted corn ker­nels. 
  • Spoon the remain­der of the beet mix­ture on top of the corn ker­nel layer.
  • Top the beets with the remain­der of the corn ker­nels. 
  • Break the goat cheese into small pieces and sprin­kle it over top of the plated salad. 
  • Finish the salad by sprin­kling toasted pis­ta­chios over top and spoon any remain­ing vinai­grette over that. 
  • Enjoy!

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