`Savory Olive Oil Crepes with Caramelized Onions, Spinach and Feta - Olive Oil Times
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Savory Olive Oil Crepes with Caramelized Onions, Spinach and Feta

Crepes are on the menu, and no they aren’t just for breakfast! These savory, olive oil crepes with spinach, onions and feta are the perfect hearty meal for these cold fall evenings, and the best part is they won’t leave you feeling stuffed.
Savory Olive Oil Crepes with Caramelized Onions, Spinach, and Feta
Savory Olive Oil Crepes with Caramelized Onions, Spinach, and Feta
By Paul Kostandin
Dec. 2, 2020 12:41 UTC

Crepes are both super sat­is­fy­ing and incred­i­bly easy to make at home. All you need is a solid recipe for the bat­ter, some tasty fill­ings, and a good non-stick pan.

The best thing about crepes, in my opin­ion, is their abil­ity to do dou­ble duty as both a sweet, fruit, or choco­late-based dish, but also as a savory break­fast or lunch option with things like spinach, cheese, and ham inside. I always keep my bat­ter neu­tral, so I can use them in mul­ti­ple ways when­ever I make them. This bat­ter will keep well in the refrig­er­a­tor, and I like to make it once or twice a week so I always have some on hand in case I need to throw together break­fast or a mid-day snack.

Use a light-bod­ied, fruit-for­ward extra vir­gin olive oil in the bat­ter for this recipe. It will add a touch of olive fla­vor while remain­ing more neu­tral should you want to use any left­overs for dessert. Save the richer, fuller-bod­ied extra vir­gin olive oil for the fill­ing, which will help accen­tu­ate the roasted onions and spinach while mel­low­ing the tart, salty feta cheese.


Savory Olive Oil Crepes with Caramelized Onions, Spinach and Feta

Course: Lunch, BreakfastCuisine: French, MediterraneanDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



Easy to make and heavy on the veg­eta­bles, these crepes are easy to whip up, and you can always use the left­over bat­ter to make a dessert with some jam or Nutella!


  • For the crepes
  • 3/4cupmilk

  • 1/2cupwater

  • 1cupflour

  • 1/4 cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 2eacheggs

  • 2tspsalt

  • 1tsp ground black pep­per

  • For the fill­ing
  • 1cupsliced onion

  • 2tbspchopped gar­lic

  • 1/4cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 3cupsbaby spinach

  • 1cupFeta cheese


  • To make the crepes
  • In a blender com­bine the eggs, flour, water, milk, olive oil, salt and pep­per. 
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Heat a non­stick pan over medium/high heat. 
  • Pour in a lit­tle olive oil and wipe it out with a paper towel.
  • Add 2 oz of bat­ter to the non stick pan and swirl it so it coats the bot­tom of the pan com­pletely. 
  • Place the pan back on the heat and cook for about a minute. 
  • Loosen the crepe with a rub­ber spat­ula and flip it so the uncooked side is down. 
  • Cook the crepe for 30 sec­onds to a minute more. 
  • Remove the crepe from the pan and place it on a plate, cov­ered with a paper towel. 
  • Continue this process until you have cooked all the crepes.
  • To make the fill­ing
  • Heat the olive oil in a heavy bot­tomed saute pan over medium/high heat on your stove­top.
  • Add the onions and gar­lic and saute until they are golden brown and fra­grant. 
  • Add the spinach to the pan and con­tinue to cook until it is fully wilted. 
  • Season the mix­ture with salt and pep­per and trans­fer to a heat safe bowl.
  • Mix in the crum­bled feta and check the sea­son­ing, adjust as nec­es­sary. 
  • Fill and serve
  • Fill the crepes with two heap­ing spoon­fuls of fill­ing and fold in half, alter­na­tively you can roll them instead. 
  • Top with a lit­tle light bod­ied, fruit for­ward extra vir­gin olive oil and a bit of parme­san cheese or herbs. 
  • Enjoy!

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