`Shrimp with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Garlic, Olive Oil - Olive Oil Times
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Shrimp with Sun-Dried Tomatoes, Garlic, Olive Oil

Serve this delicious shrimp and sun-dried tomato saute with grilled bread as tapas or over pasta or rice for an awesome entree!
Shrimp and Sun-Dried Tomatoes with Garlic and Olive Oil
Shrimp and Sun-Dried Tomatoes with Garlic and Olive Oil
By Paul Kostandin
Oct. 5, 2020 10:13 UTC

Sun-dried toma­toes are a won­der­ful sta­ple to keep on hand, espe­cially as we head into the colder months. They add a deep tomato essence to any­thing you put them in. Whether it’s pasta salad, a focac­cia top­per, or a warm shrimp and gar­lic stir fry, sun-dried toma­toes are a great way to intro­duce tomato fla­vor with­out hav­ing to add fresh or tinned toma­toes.

Sometimes you want a more aglio e olio-style dish instead of some­thing overly saucy and that’s where sun­dried toma­toes really shine. They add tomato fla­vor with­out becom­ing the star of the dish, allow­ing the roasted onion and sweet shrimp to shine along­side pep­pery extra vir­gin olive oil.

For this dish make sure to use a robust, full-fla­vored extra vir­gin olive oil. If you can, driz­zle a lit­tle cold-press or first-press fin­ish­ing” extra vir­gin olive oil over the dish at the end, it brings out the fruity qual­ity and adds a won­der­ful dimen­sion to the fin­ished dish. Serve this dish with grilled bread as a tapas or try it over rice or pasta for a hearty entree!


Shrimp and Sun-Dried Tomatoes with Garlic and Olive Oil

Course: Lunch, DinnerCuisine: Mediterranean


Prep time


Cooking time



This shrimp and sun-dried tomato dish is heavy on the gar­lic and olive oil. Serve it with grilled bread or over rice for your next get together!


  • 12ozshrimp, peeled, deveined and defrosted

  • 1cupsun-dried toma­toes, cut into strips

  • 4tbspgar­lic, chopped

  • 1/2cuponion, sliced

  • 1/2cupextra vir­gin olive oil

  • 1/2cupchick­peas, cooked or canned

  • 2tbspchopped pars­ley

  • 2tspsalt

  • 1tspground black pep­per


  • In a saute pan, begin to heat the olive oil over medium/high heat.
  • Add the onions, gar­lic and sun-dried toma­toes to the pan.
  • Begin to caramelize the veg­eta­bles, con­tinue cook­ing them until they are fra­grant and golden brown.
  • Add the shrimp and allow them to sear lightly in the oil, sea­son the ingre­di­ents with the salt and pep­per.
  • Deglaze the pan with the white wine and con­tinue cook­ing until the shrimp are pink and fully cooked.
  • Add the chick­peas and chopped pars­ley. Continue to cook the dish over medium heat for another minute or two.
  • Serve this dish with grilled bread, or over rice or pasta.

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