`Socca (Chickpea Flatbread) with Tomato Olive Salad - Olive Oil Times
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Socca (Chickpea Flatbread) with Tomato Olive Salad

This style of bread hails from the city of Nice in France. A delicious gluten-free, chickpea flour based, flatbread that is perfect for an appetizer or light meal, especially when partnered with this bright and vibrant tomato olive salad.
Socca (Chickpea Flatbread) with Tomato Olive Salad
By Patterson Watkins
Aug. 18, 2021 13:52 UTC

Socca is made by oven-fry­ing a sim­ple bat­ter made using chick­peas flour, water, extra vir­gin olive oil, and salt. We lightly sea­son our Socca with a lit­tle za’atar sea­son­ing, a zesty and savory com­bi­na­tion of sesame, cumin, oregano, and sumac.

The result is a crispy, golden-hued flat­bread that’s addic­tively deli­cious. We part­nered this recipe with other pop­u­lar ingre­di­ents found in the Provence region of France; olives, toma­toes, wine vine­gar, and extra vir­gin olive oil. 


Socca (Chickpea Flatbread) with Tomato Olive Salad

Course: Main, SaladCuisine: FrenchDifficulty: Medium


Prep time


Cooking time



For a lit­tle prep ahead hack, feel free to make the socca bat­ter a day or two ahead of time. This will allow the flour to fully absorb the liq­uid and make for a more ten­der flat­bread. Just make sure to let the bat­ter warm up to room tem­per­a­ture before oven-fry­ing. 


  • Chickpea Flatbread/Socca
  • 1 1/4cupschick­pea flour

  • 1cupwater

  • 1 1/2table­spoonsmedium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 1/2tea­spoonsalt

  • 2 table­spoons
    medium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 2tea­spoonsza’atar spice blend

  • Olive Salad
  • 1 1/2 cupsmixed Mediterranean olives pit­ted

  • 1 1/2cupscherry toma­toes halved

  • 2table­spoons red wine vine­gar

  • 1/4cupmedium to robust extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 1/4cupfresh pars­ley, whole leaves or chopped


  • In a large bowl, com­bine chick­pea flour, water, olive oil, and salt, whisk until blended. Cover and set aside to rest for 30 min­utes (to help the flour absorb the liq­uid).
  • Meanwhile, pre­heat the oven to 450°F and place an oven-proof skil­let (cast iron works really well) in the oven while it is pre­heat­ing. Once the oven has pre­heated and the skil­let is hot, add oil and swirl to coat. Add socca bat­ter and swirl to evenly coat the skil­let, return to the oven and bake for 15 – 20 min­utes or until the flat­bread is golden brown and crispy. Season the socca with za’atar and cut into wedges.
  • In a large bowl, place olives, toma­toes, vine­gar, and olive oil, toss to com­bine. Sprinkle pars­ley leaves over the salad and gen­tly toss to com­bine. Divide socca and salad between plates. 

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