`Spicy Sicilian Bread Dipper - Olive Oil Times
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Spicy Sicilian Bread Dipper

This Spicy Sicilian Bread Dipper is a sensational dipper, fully loaded with robust EVOO, balsamic vinegar, garlic, onion, salt, pepper flakes, parmesan, pickled peppers, and fresh herbs
Spicy Sicilian Bread Dipper
By Patterson Watkins
Apr. 6, 2023 00:58 UTC

Everyone loves a good bread dip­per! And this Spicy Sicilian Bread Dipper is a sen­sa­tional dip­per, fully loaded with robust EVOO, bal­samic vine­gar, gar­lic, onion, salt, pep­per flakes, parme­san, pick­led pep­pers, and fresh herbs. 

Bread dip­pers are per­fect for enter­tain­ing. Heck, we even love them as a snack! They are sim­ple to assem­ble and pack max­i­mum fla­vor. We picked a robust to medium-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil for this recipe. These fruity, pep­pery, pun­gent, and deli­ciously spicy oils have the chops to go toe-to-toe with equally robust ingre­di­ents with­out over­shad­ow­ing or over­pow­er­ing.


Spicy Sicilian Bread Dipper

Course: AppetizersCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Make sure to have some backup ingre­di­ents on standby. This bread dip­per is always a hit and may need sev­eral rounds of refresh­ing.


  • 1/2cuprobust or medium-inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil

  • 2table­spoonsbal­samic vine­gar

  • 1 tea­spoondried minced gar­lic

  • 1tea­spoondried minced onion

  • 1/2teap­soonflaky sea salt

  • 1/2 tea­spooncrushed red pep­per flakes

  • 1/2tea­spoondried oregano

  • 2table­spoons fresh basil chopped

  • 1 – 2table­spoonsparme­san or pecorino, grated

  • 2table­spoonssun dried toma­toes, chopped

  • 1 – 2table­spoons Calabrian pick­led pep­pers or pick­led cherry pep­pers chopped

  • 1sheet focac­cia, sliced


  • Place olive oil in a large shal­low bowl or high-sided plate and driz­zle with bal­samic vine­gar. 
  • Sprinkle with minced gar­lic, minced onion, salt, crushed red pep­per flakes, oregano, and basil. Top with grated parme­san, sun-dried toma­toes, and pick­led pep­pers before serv­ing with sliced focac­cia for dip­ping and sop­ping.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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