`Tahini-Yogurt Mousse Parfaits with Fig and Strawberry Olive Oil Compote - Olive Oil Times
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Tahini-Yogurt Mousse Parfaits with Fig and Strawberry Olive Oil Compote

Upgrade your breakfast game with a little gourmet treat, perfect for a weekend brunch. A lovely combination of tahini and yogurt, that whips up so nice, creamy and rich. All layered with a fresh fruit-olive oil compote and hearty granola (for texture and crunch).
Tahini-Yogurt Mousse Parfaits with Fig and Strawberry Olive Oil Compote
Tahini-Yogurt Mousse Parfaits with Fig and Strawberry Olive Oil Compote
By Patterson Watkins
Sep. 3, 2020 15:00 UTC

Tahini is a rich paste (rem­i­nis­cent of peanut but­ter) made using sesame seeds. The fla­vor is nutty and savory, which pairs nicely with the creamy com­bi­na­tion of mas­car­pone and Greek yogurt. The fig and straw­berry olive oil com­pote brings a lit­tle sweet-tart action to this par­fait, with a sur­pris­ing pep­pery pop (thanks to the EVOO).


Tahini-Yogurt Mousse Parfaits with Fig and Strawberry Olive Oil Compote

Course: DessertCuisine: French


Prep time


Cooking time



Each aspect of this recipe can be prepped and pre­pared sep­a­rately and assem­bled when you’re ready to enjoy it. The mousse can be stored, refrig­er­ated, for 3 – 4 days. The fruity com­pote has a lit­tle longer shelf-life of about 1 week.

Try it using our recipe for easy Italian-style home­made gra­nola.


  • 1/2cupmas­car­pone cheese (or good qual­ity cream cheese), soft­ened

  • 1/2cuptahini

  • 1/2cupplain greek yogurt

  • 3table­spoonsmaple syrup

  • 1tea­spoonvanilla extract

  • 2/3cupfresh or dried figs, diced

  • 2/3cupfresh straw­ber­ries, diced

  • 3table­spoonsmild-medium inten­sity extra vir­gin olive oil 

  • 3table­spoonsmaple syrup

  • 1/4tea­spoonground cin­na­mon

  • 1/8tea­sponnut­meg

  • 1/8tea­spoonground gin­ger

  • 3 table­spoonslemon juice

  • 1 tea­spooncorn­starch

  • 3/4 cup gra­nola

  • 1/2cupextra straw­ber­ries or figs for gar­nish


  • Combine mas­car­pone, tahini, yogurt, maple syrup and vanilla in the bowl of an elec­tric mixer fit­ted with a whisk attach­ment. Whisk until com­bined and fluffy, cover and refrig­er­ate until ready to serve.
  • Combine figs, straw­ber­ries, EVOO, maple syrup, cin­na­mon, nut­meg and gin­ger in a small saucepan. Bring to a sim­mer over medium heat, stir­ring fre­quently. Cook for 5 – 6 min­utes or until the berries begin to break­down.
  • Dissolve corn­starch in lemon juice and stir into the fruit mix­ture. Stir until thick­ened and remove from the heat. Allow the fruit com­pote to cool before serv­ing. 
  • To serve, layer mousse, fruit com­pote and gra­nola into cups, then, gar­nish with straw­ber­ries and figs.

Discover more recipes with extra virgin olive oil.


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