`Za'atar and Olive Oil Flatbread with Tomatoes and Olives - Olive Oil Times
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Za'atar and Olive Oil Flatbread with Tomatoes and Olives

Sumac-heavy Za'atar makes these flatbreads the perfect way to start your day or to spice up your midday snack!
Za'atar and Olive Oil Flatbread with Tomatoes and Olives
Za'atar and Olive Oil Flatbread with Tomatoes and Olives
By Paul Kostandin
Sep. 1, 2020 07:41 UTC

These flat­bread, known as man­a­keesh, are a tra­di­tional break­fast dish through­out the Mediterranean but espe­cially in Lebanon. Most fam­i­lies have their own dis­tinct blend of za’atar and will bring their own za’atar and olive oil mix­ture to the bak­ery each morn­ing to make sure their flat­bread is just right. Light and fluffy these flat­bread are just as tasty at din­ner time and they make a per­fect appe­tizer for a group of hun­gry guests.

Try using a milder olive oil for the za’atar mix­ture and then driz­zle a spicier more robust olive oil over the flat­breads before serv­ing!


Za’atar and Olive Oil Flatbread with Tomatoes and Olives

Course: Breakfast, Snacks, AppetizersCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Medium


Prep time




Cooking time



Light and refresh­ing, these flat­breads make the per­fect late break­fast option or an awe­some mid-day snack. Try using a milder olive oil for the Za’atar spread and driz­zle a more robust olive oil over the fin­ished flat­breads before enjoy­ing!


  • Flatbread Dough
  • 4 1/2cupsAll pur­pose Flour

  • 2table­spoonSugar

  • 1table­spoonSalt

  • 1 1/2cupsWater

  • 1/4cupMilk

  • 1/4cupExtra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1table­spoonGreek Yogurt

  • 1tea­spoonInstant Dry Yeast

  • For Topping
  • 1/2cupZa’atar

  • 1/2 cupExtra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1mediumTomato, Diced

  • 1/4cupKalamata Olives


  • In a stand mixer, com­bine your flour, water, milk, sugar, salt, extra vir­gin olive oil, yogurt and yeast. 
  • Mix on low speed with the dough hook attach­ment for 2 min­utes. 
  • Increase the mixer to medium speed and con­tinue to mix for 5 min­utes. 
  • Remove the dough from the mixer and place into a greased bowl, cover with plas­tic wrap or a towel and proof for 30 min­utes. 
  • Portion the dough into 4 equal pieces and roll each piece into a tight ball. Place the balls on a greased tray and cover with a towel. Allow the dough to proof for 30 more min­utes. 
  • Preheat your oven to 450°F. 
  • In a small bowl com­bine 1/2 a cup of extra vir­gin olive oil and 1/2 a cup of za’atar.
  • Using a rolling pin, roll a dough ball out until it is a 1/4 inch thick. Use the tines a fork to poke small holes into the dough. (This will help the dough to keep from ris­ing and los­ing all of its top­pings.) 
  • Spread a few spoon­fuls of the za’atar and olive oil mix­ture over the dough. Transfer your topped flat­bread to a sheet tray and place it in the pre­heated oven. If you have a bak­ing stone avail­able bake the flat­breads directly on the bak­ing stone.
  • Cook the flat­breads until they are golden brown and the za’atar mix­ture has dried to the dough. 
  • To serve, cut your flat­bread into 6 – 8 equal pieces and place a pile of toma­toes and olives in the cen­ter. Garnish with fresh herbs, espe­cially oregano or thyme!


  • If you don’t have za’atar avail­able, make a mix­ture of oregano, thyme, sesame, and sumac.

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