Searching for cnr perugia

Discovery of New Olive Varieties in Italy Spurs App Development

…listed in the IBBR-CNR data­base in Perugia. We tasted the olive oil pro­duced by these trees with expert tasters and found the qual­ity truly inter­est­ing. Hence, we have already invested in their prop­a­ga­tion. — Pierluigi Turchetta, Frosinone olive farmer The data­base…

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Jun. 5, 2024By Paolo DeAndreis

In Italy, Students Return to Study Among Olive Trees

…and pre­served by the Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean of the National Research Council (CNR) of Perugia. This col­lec­tion, in addi­tion to the con­ser­va­tion of the germplasm, is intended for its bio­log­i­cal and agro­nomic eval­u­a­tion and…

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Sep. 22, 2020By Ylenia Granitto
Ciuffelli Agricultural Institute of Todi

On the Preservation and Maintenance of Monumental Olive Trees

…from younger plants of the same vari­ety.​“These plants are icons of a ter­ri­tory, a her­itage, a tra­di­tion, a cul­ture,” our expert con­sid­ered. In Villa Adriana, in Latium, Pannelli con­ducted a three-year project with the olive grow­ing coop­er­a­tive ACO and the col­lab­o­ra­tion of CNR Institute…

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Mar. 22, 2016By Ylenia Granitto

A Gold Standard Farm in Umbria Promotes Research on Sustainability and Health

…notes of aro­matic herbs. A study car­ried out by the CNR of Perugia allowed Castello Monte Vibiano Vecchio to be among the first to use the DNA recog­ni­tion for cer­ti­fy­ing extra vir­gin olive oil.​“We receive a part of olives from…

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Jun. 29, 2017By Ylenia Granitto