Searching for fake

Discovery of Adulterated Olive Oil Kindles Debate Over Testing in Northern Cyprus

…a deputy of the Republican Turkish Party, told local broad­caster Kıbrıs Postası TV.​“Those who make unfair prof­its by sell­ing fake olive oil and those who play with pub­lic health should be exposed.” The Ministry of Agriculture said it had iden­ti­fied…

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Apr. 9, 2024By Ofeoritse Daibo

Deoleo Fights Back Against Fake News’

…mak­ing of a meme and dis­closes who it calls​“14 Fake Olive Oil Bloggers.” We show how any com­pany can be affected by fake news by reveal­ing the tricks used by click-baiters to cre­ate sto­ries that go viral regard­less of their…

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Jul. 19, 2018By Curtis Cord

Details Emerge in Seizure of Counterfeit Olive Oil in Puglia

…of Italian law enforce­ment agen­cies to com­bat food crimes effi­ciently. The Carabinieri oper­a­tion against fake extra vir­gin olive oil and oil col­ored with chloro­phyll is a shin­ing exam­ple of the excel­lent func­tion­ing of the con­trol sys­tem against food fraud,” he said.…

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Jul. 18, 2024By Paolo DeAndreis

$250M of Fake, Substandard Foods Seized in Global Operation

…be rife and wide­spread. In Germany, hazel­nut prod­ucts were found to con­tain unde­clared peanuts, while in France, fake sea­son­ing cubes were being passed off as a lead­ing brand. .@INTERPOL_HQ SEIZED: 9,800 tonnes & 26.4 mil­lion litres of haz­ardous fake food & drink, incl.…

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May. 9, 2017By Julie Al-Zoubi

Spain’s Civil Guard Seizes 120 Tons of Fake Olive Oil

The Spanish Civil Guard has seized more than 120 tons of fake olive oil, under the oper­a­tion​‘Cloroil.’ The judi­cial police units of the Civil Guard of Jaén arrested 9 peo­ple and 2 oth­ers are now under inves­ti­ga­tion. Four have crim­i­nal records…

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May. 30, 2016By Ylenia Granitto

Scientists Pool Expertise in Fight Against Fake Olive Oils

…human sen­sors could​“lessen the work of sen­sory pan­els”. Challenges and rec­om­men­da­tions The work­shop par­tic­i­pants also iden­ti­fied var­i­ous obsta­cles to progress in the fight against fake olive oils. These include poor knowl­edge of the deodor­iza­tion processes used in the indus­try…

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Oct. 4, 2013By Julie Butler

Europol Warns Fake Products on the Rise Across EU

A report by Europol, the EU’s law enforce­ment agency, warns that the mis­use and coun­ter­feit­ing of geo­graph­i­cal indi­ca­tion (GI) prod­ucts con­tinue to be a major issue for EU food pro­duc­ers. The 2017 Situation Report on Counterfeiting and Piracy in the European…

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Jul. 31, 2017By Isabel Putinja

80 Percent is the New 69 Percent

…Scam: If 80% Is Fake, Why Do You Keep Buying It? — Carl Stevens (@CarlStevens007) November 17, 2016 Did you know that up to 80% of olive oil in the super­mar­ket is fake? Many of these fraud­u­lent prod­ucts are……

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Nov. 30, 2016By Curtis Cord