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VN Dalmia Offers an Olive Oil Reality Check

While debate swirls around how to ensure the qual­ity of extra vir­gin olive oil in the United States, Europe and else­where, con­sumers in India are get­ting an entirely dif­fer­ent mes­sage. In a new cam­paign rolled out by the coun­try’s largest…

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Dec. 4, 2011By Curtis Cord

Is India Poised for an Edible Oils Revolution?

At 24.20 mil­lion tons (mt) in 2016 – 17, and an esti­mated 23.95 mt in 2017 – 18, India’s edi­ble oil con­sump­tion stands at num­ber two glob­ally, behind China (35 mt). Seventy per­cent (14 mt) of this demand is met…

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Apr. 30, 2018By Abhishek Parameswaran

Classic Cobb Salad with Olive Oil Bleu Cheese Dressing

Meaty and hearty main sal­ads are espe­cially sat­is­fy­ing for either lunch or din­ner. The salad com­po­nents are clas­sic, con­sist­ing of all those deli­cious ingre­di­ents known for a good Cobb Salad. The bleu cheese dress­ing has a bit of a twist, sub­sti­tut­ing most…

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Apr. 18, 2023By Patterson Watkins

Olive Oil Mayonnaise

Making your own may­on­naise is easy, and it gives you greater con­trol over the qual­ity of ingre­di­ents. Everything comes together in the food proces­sor (min­i­mal cleanup, hooray!). Olive Oil Mayonnaise 3 from 76 votes Course: Condiments Difficulty: Easy Makes…

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Sep. 3, 2020By Patterson Watkins
Olive Oil Mayonnaise

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Candied Orange, Honey, Olive Oil

With hol­i­days rapidly approach­ing, it’s impor­tant to have a few go-to side dishes for the occa­sional pot luck or hol­i­day get-together. These Brussels sprouts have absolutely become my 1‑stop, quick and easy side dish for every time of gath­er­ing, espe­cially…

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Nov. 5, 2020By Paul Kostandin

Olive Oil Wet Rubbed Ribs

These low, slow-baked ribs are fall-off-the-bone ten­der and infused with all those inspir­ing BBQ fla­vors (with­out hav­ing to fire up the grill or smoker). Wet rubs are, essen­tially, just dry rubs with liq­uid added. They are thicker, more paste-like,…

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Aug. 29, 2022By Patterson Watkins

Farro with Arugula and Oranges

Farro is an ancient Italian grain that has a lovely tex­ture and nutty fla­vor. It is the per­fect ingre­di­ent for a tangy, fla­vor­ful dress­ing because farro takes on fla­vors very well. In this Farro with Arugula and Oranges, the dress­ing is…

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Aug. 27, 2020By Tracy Nawara
Farro with Arugula and Oranges

Turkey Suspends Exports of Agricultural Products, Bulk Olive Oil

The Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has tem­porar­ily banned direct exports of select agri­cul­tural prod­ucts from the coun­try, includ­ing cook­ing oils, oilseeds, mar­garine, lentils and dry beans, over con­cerns of mar­ket short­ages and a surge in infla­tion. The ban…

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Apr. 5, 2022By Costas Vasilopoulos