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Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco and Eggs

Romesco is a deli­cious sauce made by puree­ing roasted red pep­pers, toma­toes, almonds and olive oil…almost like a Spanish-style pesto. We opted for some sun-dried toma­toes, just to add in a lit­tle con­cen­trated tomato fla­vor as well as some sherry vine­gar and…

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Sep. 11, 2020By Patterson Watkins
Roasted Asparagus with Homemade Olive Oil Romesco and Eggs

The Flavored Extra Virgin’ Oxymoron

Flavored oils have been around a long time, but these days they seem to be every­where. Modern life leaves dwin­dling time for cook­ing while culi­nary short­cuts in the Instant-Pot era offer 30-minute meals in ever fewer steps. Flavored oils pro­vide a fat…

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Nov. 14, 2018By Curtis Cord

Olive Oil Quality Seals? Take Your Pick

More con­sumers are learn­ing that the taste and health ben­e­fits of olive oil are closely tied to its qual­ity and fresh­ness, how­ever there is still lit­tle the aver­age shop­per can do to be sure she’s buy­ing a bot­tle of EVOO…

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Jun. 13, 2013By Denise Johnson and Nancy Flagg

Andalucia Journal: Life Among the Groves

Nothing con­veys the impor­tance of olive oil like a smack to the head at two in the morn­ing while try­ing (with painfully ade­quate delib­er­acy) to make an egg­plant parme­san; a scold­ing from a friend of mine who lived in a house where there were…

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Mar. 5, 2015By Charles Lavers