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Searching for vida 2 lite

Australia, New Zealand Draft New Olive Oil Standards

…(e.g. Olive Oil, Pure Olive Oil, Light or Lite Olive Oil, Extra Light or Lite Olive Oil)​“are expressly for­bid­den,” the draft stan­dard states. The draft stan­dard also makes it clear that the new rules would be applied to all grades…

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Jan. 4, 2011By Sarah Schwager

Divergent Views on Proposed California Olive Oil Standards

…​“Olive oils labeled​“Pure”, a pow­er­ful word to American con­sumers, are refined, stripped of fla­vor and nutri­ents. Other labels read​Lite” and​“Extra Lite”, imply few calo­ries. Olive oils mis­la­beled​“Extra Virgin” are found in almost all U.S. super­mar­kets, stores and…

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Jul. 22, 2014By Nancy Flagg

New Standards Getting Traction in Australia

Before the adop­tion by Standards Australia of the new Australian Standard for Olive and Olive-Pomace Oils, terms like​‘pre­mium, super, pure, light/lite, extra light/lite’ were used with­out jus­ti­fi­ca­tion,​‘best before’ dates were not sub­ject to tech­ni­cal prove­nance and olive oil…

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Jan. 27, 2012By Kim Stewart

Despite Production Woes, Spain Anticipates Expanding Organic Exports to China

Vida Mia, an orga­ni­za­tion that pro­motes prod­ucts from Spanish-speak­ing coun­tries in China. This year, we will increase the pro­mo­tion of Spanish olive oil, hop­ing to cap­ture more mar­ket share,” she added. According to state-run media, China imports about 92 per­cent…

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Jun. 22, 2023By Máté Pálfi

Fire Devastates Ybarra’s Seville Facility

…com­pa­nies such as Unilever and Gallina Blanca. This year marks the 175th anniver­sary of Ybarra. Their long his­tory in Spanish homes is demon­strated in their mayonnaise´s motto, Juntos, de toda la vida, or, together a life­time. ABC El Mundo El Pais…

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Jul. 18, 2016By Alexis Kerner

With Rising Olive Oil Prices, Concerns of Falling Consumption

…la vida” (“we’ve always used it at home”). But as Spanish olive oil pro­ducer Rafael Muela told Olive Oil Times, the issue now is just how loyal con­sumers will be. Muela, co-owner and senior mar­ket­ing vice-pres­i­­dent of Córdoba-based Mueloliva, pre­dicts…

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Oct. 8, 2012By Julie Butler

Olive Oil Industry Megatrends

…the per­cent­age has dropped from 2.4% to 2.0% One of the major char­ac­ter­is­tics of extra vir­gin olive oil that makes it vul­ner­a­ble to pro­mo­tion of com­pet­ing oils is smoke point. While high qual­ity extra vir­gin olive oil has a smoke point…

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Jun. 26, 2013By Simon Field

Australia Adopts New Voluntary Standards for Olive Oil

…Crackdown on mis­use of the words: pre­mium, super, pure, light/lite • Require sub­stan­ti­a­tion of words describ­ing country/region of ori­gin • Require sub­stan­ti­a­tion of pro­cess­ing meth­ods (e.g. cold pressed, first extrac­tion) • Accommodate the nat­ural vari­a­tions that occur in dif­fer­ent coun­tries,…

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Jul. 20, 2011By Olive Oil Times Staff