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Maison Orphée: Innovating in the Field of Olive Oil

Nov. 15, 2023
Maison Orphée

Thanks to the long-term work of the International Olive Council (IOC), extra vir­gin olive oil has estab­lished itself as a sta­ple pre­mium prod­uct across the globe over the last thirty years.

Founded in 1983, Maison Orphée pio­neered the intro­duc­tion of vir­gin oils in the Canadian mar­ket and sub­se­quently became a house­hold name in the world of extra vir­gin olive oil. Over the years, the com­pany has built con­sid­er­able exper­tise, secur­ing sup­ply rela­tion­ships with pro­duc­ers shar­ing the same high-qual­ity stan­dards.

Unaccustomed to extra vir­gin olive oil’s dis­tinc­tive bit­ter and tangy pro­file, Canadian con­sumers had to be intro­duced to it and con­vinced in var­i­ous ways.

Connecting with the con­sumer

Through rebrand­ing and devel­op­ing a dis­tinc­tive visual iden­tity in 2010, Maison Orphée has suc­ceeded in posi­tion­ing its offer and build­ing a dia­logue with poten­tial cus­tomers.

By pre­sent­ing a range of tastes encom­pass­ing sev­eral pro­files, some more del­i­cate and oth­ers more full-bod­ied, and sug­gest­ing poten­tial uses (e.g. for pasta and piz­zas), these labels have reas­sured con­sumers and paved the way for explo­ration.

This approach, which has won design awards, was and is still taught in graphic design uni­ver­sity courses through­out Quebec, Canada.


To build recog­ni­tion of the attrib­utes of extra vir­gin olive oil, Maison Orphée has mul­ti­plied its strate­gies and points of con­tact with con­sumers. By form­ing an in-house tast­ing panel and orga­niz­ing in-per­son and online tast­ing activ­i­ties, the com­pany has con­tributed to democ­ra­tiz­ing this qual­ity prod­uct.

More recently, Maison Orphée has also invested in blog posts writ­ten by nutri­tion­ists spe­cial­iz­ing in sci­en­tific pop­u­lar­i­sa­tion and trans­posed this con­tent on social net­works such as Facebook and Instagram.

Evolving with the times

As extra vir­gin olive oil becomes more and more a part of con­sumer habits, the dia­logue with con­sumers con­tin­ues to evolve.

With a steady focus on con­sumers’ needs, Maison Orphée is explor­ing dif­fer­ent for­mu­las to meet their require­ments. For exam­ple, in 2022, it obtained its B‑Corp cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, align­ing with emerg­ing social and envi­ron­men­tal val­ues.

Similarly, the com­pany launched a new for­mat for its sig­na­ture del­i­cate extra vir­gin olive oil: the BiB (Bag in Box.) A 1.5‑litre card­board box with an air­tight bag, the BiB is more afford­able, con­ve­nient and eco-friendly than con­ven­tional glass bot­tles.


Did you know that this entirely recy­clable pack­ag­ing, besides the spout, is ten times lighter to trans­port than its glass coun­ter­part, reduc­ing the pro­duc­t’s car­bon foot­print? Moreover, the oil stays fresher for longer, pro­tected from heat, light and oxy­gen, even after open­ing the prod­uct. Finally, the greater vol­ume means con­sumers can enjoy a bet­ter price while mak­ing han­dling oil in the kitchen eas­ier.

Extra vir­gin olive oil is a prod­uct with over 6,000 years of his­tory. Its organolep­tic and culi­nary prop­er­ties are still rel­e­vant today, but con­sumers still have the last say in a highly com­pet­i­tive, infla­tion­ary mar­ket… and inno­va­tion remains key to meet­ing their expec­ta­tions.

Discover Maison Orphée

The news and edi­to­r­ial staff of Olive Oil Times had no role in this arti­cle’s cre­ation.