`Courses on Lake Garda for Tasters and Experts - Olive Oil Times
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Courses on Lake Garda for Tasters and Experts

By Ylenia Granitto
Aug. 3, 2015 11:12 UTC

Behind my project there is pas­sion first,” says Maria Paola Gabusi, founder of O’Live & Italy. In addi­tion to a deep involve­ment in the dif­fu­sion of high-level edu­ca­tion and the cul­ture of extra vir­gin olive oil, we also take care of human and emo­tional aspects: the recep­tion in a beau­ti­ful loca­tion, the pro­posal of culi­nary excel­lences and the atten­tion paid to a sen­so­r­ial approach, evi­dence our com­pre­hen­sive method.”

This is the essen­tial con­cept of the 2nd Level International Master for EVOO Tasters and Experts,” that will be held October 28 — 31, 2015 in Toscolano Maderno, on Lake Garda, orga­nized by the non-profit asso­ci­a­tion O’Live & Italy.

Casa del Tempo Ritrovato

The asso­ci­a­tion is based in a beau­ti­ful estate on Lake Garda called Casa del Tempo Ritrovato (House of Time Regained), and it was founded by the pro­fes­sional olive oil taster Maria Paola Gabusi, a mem­ber of AIPOL (Interprovincial Association of Olive Manufacturers of Lombardy) and a panel mem­ber of var­i­ous com­pe­ti­tions.

Gabusi is an enthu­si­as­tic prop­a­ga­tor of the cul­ture of EVOO at every level. She orga­nizes free courses for chil­dren in ele­men­tary schools. Education is fun­da­men­tal,” Gabusi says. During tast­ing demon­stra­tions, we see that chil­dren are already able, despite their young age, to dis­tin­guish a high-qual­ity olive oil from a stan­dard one. We only have to pre­pare them to choose and appre­ci­ate healthy food.”

Every year with O’Live & Italy she also orga­nizes the International Master with Sensory Aptitude Certificate, in accor­dance with the IOOC and EU stan­dards, entirely in English. The next one will be held on April 4 – 9, 2016, the week before Vinitaly, by the inter­na­tion­ally esteemed team of teach­ers: Antonio G. Lauro, Marco Antonucci and Barbara Alfei.

Participants in the 2015 Masters Course (Photo: O’live & Italy)

This October, the 2nd Level International Master for EVOO Tasters and Experts will be con­ducted in English by two high-pro­file teach­ers: Andrea Giomo is a con­sul­tant in sen­sory analy­sis, chemo­met­rics, com­pu­ta­tional sta­tis­tics and qual­ity man­age­ment sys­tems, a com­mis­sion mem­ber of IOOC, an expert for the olive oil sub­group at the European Commission, and an author of sci­en­tific pub­li­ca­tions. Barbara Alfei is the panel Leader and pres­i­dent of the sci­en­tific com­mit­tee of the National Exhibition of Monovarietal Oils, pres­i­dent of the National Championship of Olive Tree Pruning, and author of about 150 arti­cles and 12 books on the olive sec­tor.
See Also:Course Program
The course pro­vides a tech­ni­cal high-level approach ded­i­cated to those who already have expe­ri­ence in the field of olive oil tast­ing. Participants will have the oppor­tu­nity to enjoy the finest food and wines of the area dur­ing cul­tural din­ners” and events ded­i­cated to wine tast­ing. An open dis­cus­sion in front of the lake” is on the pro­gram, and ses­sions will be ded­i­cated to the phys­i­ol­ogy and psy­chol­ogy of senses, with a con­sid­er­a­tion to global aware­ness. Classes are out­lined to pro­vide not only a tech­ni­cal knowl­edge but also a shar­ing of expe­ri­ences that will enrich both the cul­tural and the emo­tional tools of par­tic­i­pants,” Maria Paola Gabusi said.


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