2022 olive harvest / page 6

Aug. 10, 2022

Heatwave Could Curtail Olive Oil Production in Spain, Minister Warns

Along with a steep fall in the quantity of olive oil produced, some analysts are worried quality could decrease significantly too.

Jul. 25, 2022

Unraveling the Mystery Behind Slovenia's Dramatic Fruit Drop

This time, the usual suspects were not responsible for the drying and falling of fruits.

Jul. 13, 2022

Olive Oil Production Expected to Decrease in Italy Due to Ongoing Drought

After a promising start to 2022, with plenty of blossoms on the olive trees, heat and dry weather have led to a significant fruit drop and a lower-than-expected harvest.

May. 5, 2022

Drought Leads to Predictions of Weak Harvest in Argentina

The olive-harvesting season has started in Argentina, but farmers expect low yields and rising costs.

Apr. 29, 2022

South African Producers Hope for Winning Harvest

While high quality producers in the country wait for the results of the 2022 NYIOOC, the local industry is optimistic about the incoming harvest.

Apr. 11, 2022

Australian Producers Expect Another Excellent Harvest

Producers attribute their optimism to good weather, plenty of workers and more olive trees coming into production.

Mar. 31, 2022

Farmers in New Zealand Optimistic Ahead of Harvest

New techniques, better pruning and benevolent weather are fueling big expectations for the upcoming olive harvest.
