Andalusia / page 6

May. 4, 2022

Researchers Reintroduce Bats to Andalusian Olive Groves to Combat Pests

Following research in Spain and Portugal, the LIFE Olivares Vivos project aims to reintroduce bats to olive groves, bringing more efficient pest control and soil fertilization.

Feb. 16, 2022

Andalusia Plans an Olive Oil Center in Jaén

The center would help improve regional olive oil quality, invest in harvesting and processing technology and improve traceability.

Feb. 11, 2022

Researchers Introduce Fertigation to Andalusian Olive Groves

The process has been hailed as a sustainable way for farmers to fertilize and irrigate their olive trees precisely and with recycled water.

Oct. 19, 2021

Olive Oil Production in Spain Expected to Fall, Officials Say

Spain is expected to produce about 1.3 million tons of olive oil in the 2021/22 crop year. Poor weather conditions in Andalusia are largely to blame.

Sep. 14, 2021

Intensive Olive Farms Contribute to Desertification in Spain, Experts Warn

Researchers caution that one-fifth of Spain is at risk of desertification. Poor agricultural and land-use practices paired with historic mismanagement are largely to blame.

Aug. 30, 2021

Spain Regains Position of Second Largest Olive Oil Exporter to the U.S.

In the first half of 2021 olive oil exports from Spain to the U.S. increased by nearly 40 percent. Andalusian exports largely fueled the growth.

Jul. 29, 2021

Only One Percent of Olive Growers Expected to Lose Funding Under Spain’s New CAP

The new Common Agricultural Policy will benefit traditional growers, organic growers, young farmers and women at the expense of the largest producers.

Jul. 20, 2021

Plans for Olive Oil Research Institute in Jaén Come One Step Closer to Fruition

The new institute at the University of Jaén will push innovation in olive growing and olive oil production and promote research efforts.

Jul. 7, 2021

Andalusian Olive Oil Exports Rebound After Challenging Harvest

Exports to six of Andalusia’s top 10 olive oil trading partners increased in the first four months of 2021, according to Extenda.

Jun. 29, 2021

Andalusia Seeks to Make Olive Production More Profitable With Tourism Initiative

The tourism €1.4 million initiative will help promote olive oil tourism experiences throughout the autonomous community.


Jun. 15, 2021

Andalusian Producers Overcome Obstacles to Triumph at 2021 NYIOOC

Andalusian producers celebrated an excellent year at the World Competition, despite severe weather and Covid-19 dampening the 2020 harvest.

Jun. 10, 2021

Andalusian Cooperative Crafts Award-Winning Olive Oil With Soul

Almazaras de la Subbética earned four awards at the 2021 NYIOOC, attributing their success to the terroir and climate.

May. 13, 2021

Effort to Stem Spread of Olive Pathogen Using Grafted Trees Fails in Spain

After a four-year trial, researchers said that grafting traditional Andalusian varieties with Verticillium wilt-resistant ones was ineffective.

Apr. 29, 2021

Spain’s 'Sea of Olives' Among the Candidates for UNESCO Recognition

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will vote on whether to recognize the 1.5-million-hectare olive tree forest that stretches across Andalusia.

Apr. 2, 2021

Biodiversity Program Succeeds in Restoring Species to Olive Groves

Olive farms following the Olivares Vivos program recorded a 30-percent increase in flora and fauna. The value of their EVOOs is expected to rise too.

Mar. 29, 2021

Volunteers in Italy and Spain to Track Spittlebug Activity

Efforts in Puglia and Andalusia are underway to monitor the spread of the deadly vector of Xyella fastidiosa. Using mobile applications, volunteers will help experts track the insect populations.

Mar. 17, 2021

Andalusia Launches Bid to Capture Emerging Indonesian Market

Euromonitor data projects that the value of olive oil sales in Indonesia will increase by 50 percent over the next half-decade. Andalusia hopes to capitalize on this growth.

Feb. 25, 2021

Extreme Weather Takes Toll on Andalusian Olive Harvest

Production is expected to be around 300,000 tons lower than previously estimated, according to the regional government.
