Andalusia / page 8

Jun. 10, 2021

Andalusian Cooperative Crafts Award-Winning Olive Oil With Soul

Almazaras de la Subbética earned four awards at the 2021 NYIOOC, attributing their success to the terroir and climate.

May. 13, 2021

Effort to Stem Spread of Olive Pathogen Using Grafted Trees Fails in Spain

After a four-year trial, researchers said that grafting traditional Andalusian varieties with Verticillium wilt-resistant ones was ineffective.

Apr. 29, 2021

Spain’s 'Sea of Olives' Among the Candidates for UNESCO Recognition

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization will vote on whether to recognize the 1.5-million-hectare olive tree forest that stretches across Andalusia.

Feb. 3, 2021

Understanding Relationship Between Fungus and Climate May Curb Costly Olive Tree Pathogen, Researchers Say

Minor temperature changes with certain rainfall patterns provide the best environment for the fungus that causes Verticillium wilt to thrive.

Oct. 13, 2020

Rising Adversity in Olive Oil Sector Gives Rise to New ‘Olive Council’ in Córdoba

The Consejo del Olivar de Córdoba seeks to improve quality, promote local production and preserve the province’s rich oil culture.

Aug. 17, 2020

Researchers Test New Olive Varieties to Improve Sustainability

A team in Andalusia is testing a hedge cultivation system that could be more profitable for growers and sustainable for the environment.

Jun. 24, 2020

Spain Bets on Biorefineries to Find New Revenue for Small Producers

Olive oil producers and researchers are working to bring biorefineries to rural producers in Andalusia. The goal is to supplement revenues while making mills more sustainable.

Apr. 24, 2020

Andalusia Declared Free of Xylella

After an incident in 2018, an action plan led to the examination of more than 1,600 plant species and the creation of inspection zones to test for the existence of the bacterium.

Mar. 10, 2020

Native Andalusian Olive Varieties Could Be Wiped Out by 2100, Researchers Warn

Six of seven varieties studied are expected to have less land suitable for their cultivation. Picual is the exception.

Feb. 26, 2020

Drones Help Olive Farmers Target Treatments, Increase Profitability

Using drones, multi-spectral cameras and remote sensors, olive farmers can make accurate nutrient predictions, target phytosanitary treatments and more precisely apply fertilizers and irrigation.


Feb. 10, 2020

Spanish Table Olive Producer Wins Gender Equality Award

Blanca Torrent was recognized for the gender equality policy at Torrent Olives and her work advocating for women in agribusiness.

Jan. 31, 2020

Olive Oil Producers and Farmers Across Spain Demand 'Measures of Support'

Farmers across Spain, organized by the main cooperatives and associations, are protesting for better prices and government measures to help ease the burden of increasing production costs.

Oct. 30, 2019

Spain's Harvest Estimates Continue to Grow

Previous predictions estimated that Spanish production would hover at about one million tons over the summer. The latest estimate predicts a 20 percent higher yield.

Oct. 10, 2019

Spain Reacts to U.S. Tariff on Olive Oil

The announcement of the U.S. tariffs comes as protestors head to Madrid to demand action on low olive oil prices. Government officials fear Andalusia, one of Spain's poorest regions, will be hit the hardest by the tariffs.

Sep. 5, 2019

Table Olive Yield Predictions in Spain Move Lower

From an original yield of 590,000 tons, Spain's Interprofessional Table Olive Association has already revised this figure down by more than 10 percent. Depending on climatic conditions, the final yield could be even lower.

Aug. 29, 2019

EU Agriculture Commissioner Pledges Support for Spanish Olive Sector

Phil Hogan has promised to intervene in order to protect the interests of Spanish olive oil producers if prices do not rebound. Varied production forecasts and trade uncertainties make it unclear whether this will happen.

Aug. 19, 2019

Olive Oil Production Expected to Decrease Significantly in Spain

Estimates from a coalition of olive oil producing cooperatives estimate that this year's harvest may be the lowest since the 2014/15 season.

Jun. 10, 2019

Report Predicts Mediocre Harvest in Andalusia

The report cites unseasonably hot temperatures along with a lack of rain as the main reasons for the dip, which could see production drops of up to 50 percent in certain areas
