Australian Olive Association / page 2

Jul. 21, 2011

Australian Olive Oil Takes the Ball, Runs

Seizing on the momentum of the adoption of new voluntary olive oil standards and wide media coverage, Australian Olive Association President Paul Miller took to the airwaves Wednesday.

Jul. 20, 2011

Australia Adopts New Voluntary Standards for Olive Oil

Australian Olive Association President Paul Miller said “the standard puts consumers in a much stronger position when it comes to making informed choices.”

Apr. 4, 2011

Andalusia Conference on the Future of Traditional Olive Oil Production

Representatives from Spain’s Ministry of Rural and Marine Environment (MARM) met in Jaén this week to discuss the many challenges facing the country’s traditional olive oil industry.

Dec. 5, 2010

Australian Olive Association Names Lisa Rowntree First CEO

Lisa Rowntree is well known in the industry and was appointed after an extensive process during which over 30 applicants were considered for the position.

Oct. 24, 2010

New Norcia Wins Best of Show at Perth Royal

The awards are "a pat on the back for the large numbers of volunteers who come to help with the harvest and pruning the trees each year." Carmel Ross, Benedictine Community of New Norcia.

Sep. 24, 2010

Spanish Supermarket Chain Alcampo Accused of Olive Oil Fraud

The supermarket chain will be penalized for selling adulterated olive oil under its brand name Auchan, and for "lack of the most fundamental duties of due diligence."

Aug. 31, 2010

Australia Charts Five-Year Course for Olive Oil Industry

The plan sets objectives to help protect and advance an industry that has grown rapidly in a short time, yet looks set to flatten if certain challenges are not tackled.

Aug. 2, 2010

The Australian EVOO Show System

Most of Australia's extra virgin olive oil shows follow similar protocols, explains Richard Gawel.

Jul. 19, 2010

4th Beyond Extra Virgin Conference to Focus on Olive Oil Excellence

Billed as an "International Conference on Olive Oil Flavor and Excellence," Beyond Extra Virgin IV will focus on the sensory qualities of what's referred to as super-premium olive oil.
