Nov. 29, 2016
Gold Rush II: Competition for California Olives Leaves Some Smaller Producers Fruitless
Top-dollar offers from California's Aussie newcomer are tilting the table away from smaller producers in the state.
Nov. 4, 2016
For This Master Miller, 'It's All in the Craft'
Pacific Sun Farms miller Pablo Voitzuk says the magic of quality extra virgin olive oil lies in its fashioning.
Jul. 26, 2016
New Blight Alarms California Olive Growers
The pathogen Neofabraea has been observed on both Arbosana and Arbequina trees in the Sacramento Valley, Glenn County and San Joaquin.
Jan. 19, 2016 Production
Olive Oil Commission of California Holds Informational Meeting
Oct. 15, 2015 Production
California's Bumper Crop Might Not Yield the Oil Some Predicted
Jan. 29, 2015 Fairs, Competitions
California State Fair Gets USDA Funding to Host Olive Oil Competition
Jan. 5, 2015 N. America
Dec. 11, 2014 N. America
California's 'Rainpocalypse' Good News for State's Olive Oil Producers
Nov. 17, 2014
From Corning in the Sacramento Valley to Lindsay in the San Joaquin this year’s table olive crop is a serious disappointment,
Nov. 14, 2014
One California Olive Farmer Calls it Quits
Randy Childress managed 184 acres of olive trees more than 100 years old. Today he's looking for a job.
Oct. 10, 2014
California's Olive Oil Time Warp
Thanks to their new self-imposed regulations, California olive oil producers are already partying like it's 2015.
Sep. 18, 2014
California Approves Olive Oil Standards
The California olive oil industry is cheering as the state adopts new standards for olive oil produced in the state.
Sep. 2, 2014
Despite Drought, Calif. Olive Growers Will See Good Return
The Olive Growers Council of California reached a favorable agreement with table olive processors after drought has left many farmers hurting.
Sep. 2, 2014
Napa Olive Oil Merchant Recovering from Earthquake
Lucero Olive Oil will be open for Labor Day weekend despite damage to inventory caused by the Napa earthquake.
Aug. 28, 2014
Award-Winning Coldani Acquires Lodi Olive Oil Co.
Coldani Olive Ranch, maker of Calivirgin olive oil, acquired a regional producer to open new doors for both brands.
Aug. 22, 2014
Freshness A Key Ingredient for Pasolivo
The family-run company attributes the brand’s success to making California Olive Oil Council (COOC) certification a top priority.
Jun. 9, 2014
Sonoma Course Explores The Intricacies of Olive Oil
A one-day short course offered by the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) will give students a chance to learn from the masters.
Apr. 16, 2014
U.S. Producers Win 37 Awards at International Olive Oil Competition
Two California olive oil producers won the first American ‘Best in Class’ awards at the 2014 New York International Olive Oil Competition.
Mar. 29, 2014
California Producers Approve State Olive Oil Commission
California producers voted into existence a new Olive Oil Commission of California with an eye toward enhancing the competitiveness of the state’s olive oil industry.
Sep. 23, 2013
First Olive Festival for San Benito
The October 19 festival will bring awareness to the region’s agriculture and artisans, with an emphasis on local olive oils.
Sep. 10, 2013
Bill to Create California Olive Oil Commission Clears Senate
The Senate approved a measure to establish a state commission to strengthen the competitiveness of California’s olive oil industry.
May. 14, 2013
Business Students Search for Better Understanding of Olive Oil
Graduate students from Curry College will tour California for a better understanding of the forces shaping the olive oil business.
Apr. 29, 2013
California Proposes Olive Oil Commission
If a bill currently working its way through is successful, California could have a new commission to oversee its olive oil industry.