cardiovascular disease / page 11

Nov. 11, 2013

Mediterranean Diet in Midlife Results in Better Quality of Life in Old Age

Women who followed a Mediterranean style diet in midlife were more likely at old age to be without any major limitations in physical and mental health.

Aug. 19, 2013

Mediterranean Diet May Interact with Genes and Prevent Stroke

A Mediterranean diet pattern may reduce stroke in genetically predisposed individuals according to a new study published in Diabetes Care.

Jun. 17, 2013

Replacing Some Carbs with Healthy Oils Can Slow Prostate Cancer

U.S. researchers find that men who consumed more vegetable fat had a lower risk of lethal prostate cancer.

Feb. 14, 2012

Healthy Fats and the Mediterranean Diet Good for the Brain

A Mediterranean style diet is associated with a reduced risk of stroke and dementia.

Jan. 26, 2012

Foods Fried in Olive Oil May Not Be Harmful

According to data from the Spanish cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), fried food may not harm the heart as long as it is fried in olive oil.

Jan. 20, 2012

Dalmia-Funded Study Finds Indians Could Benefit by Using Olive Pomace Oil

A new study showed that participants who used olive pomace and canola oils had a decrease in body weight, waist circumference, lipids in the blood, and liver fat.

Nov. 21, 2011

An Olive Oil Rich Diet is Better for the Heart

A Mediterranean style diet rich in monounsaturated fat from olive oil, avocadoes and nuts improves heart health even if the diet is not coupled with weight loss.

Jun. 15, 2011

Plenty of Olive Oil Might Help Prevent Strokes, Researchers Find

According to a new study from France, older individuals who consume olive oil daily may be able to protect themselves from a stroke.

May. 11, 2011

Use Any Olive Oil You Like, "As Long as it's Green and Bitter"

Dr. Covas explains why lipid oxidation matters, and that the key to benefiting from EVOO is not to take it as a medicine. “You must enjoy it.”

Apr. 7, 2011

Olive Oil Keeps the Heart Young

Mediterranean style diet rich in olive oil may be able to slow down the aging of the heart by reducing endothelial damage and dysfunction, new research shows.


Mar. 18, 2011

Two Tablespoons of High Quality Olive Oil Every Day Help Protect the Heart

Even modest daily doses of extra virgin olive oil may protect from atherosclerosis by reducing bad cholesterol.

Mar. 14, 2011

The Mediterranean Diet and Metabolic Syndrome

Dr. Antonis Pothoulakis says the recent "meta study" shows that a Mediterranean diet can improve each component of the metabolic syndrome group of risk factors.

Mar. 9, 2011

Diet with Olive Oil Can Reduce Heart Risks, and Weight, Research Shows

The first "meta analysis" confirmed the effects of olive oil and the Mediterranean diet on the risk factors that lead to heart disease.

Dec. 7, 2010

Olive Oil and Interventional Cardiology

How the abnormal metabolism that leads to heart disease can be significantly affected by a diet that includes olive oil.

Jul. 5, 2010

Industry Up-And-Comer Argentina to Host Olive Oil Forum

Industry leaders are eager to tap into the budding Argentinean market which is set to become a respected producer of quality olive oil.

Jul. 3, 2010

An Olive Oil Experiment in India

Saplings of high-yielding olives were brought from Israel, grown to a height of 1.5 meters in nurseries and then transplanted to the fields in Rajasthan.
