Apr. 21, 2020
EVOO Consumption in Rats Found to Reduce Risk of Cardiomyopathies
The research found that rats consuming a diet enriched with extra virgin olive oil had lower levels of an enzyme associated with cardiomyopathies than rats that were not.
Apr. 13, 2020
Olive Oil Reduces Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Fibromyalgia Patients
Regular use of olive oil in fibromyalgia patients can greatly reduce their cardiovascular risk.
Mar. 11, 2020
Consuming Half a Tablespoon of Olive Oil Per Day Improves Heart Health, Study Suggests
Eating more than half a tablespoon of olive oil daily could lower the risk of a heart attack by 20 percent, say researchers at Harvard’s TH Chan School of Public Health.
Dec. 30, 2019 Food & Cooking
Dec. 6, 2019 Food & Cooking
Aug. 21, 2019 Health
New Study Links Plant-Based Diets With Reduced Risk Of Heart Disease
Jul. 8, 2019 Food & Cooking
Jun. 10, 2019 Health
Apr. 8, 2019
Adding Dairy Products To Med Diet Reduces Cardiovascular Risk
The study also found that adding several servings of low-fat dairy to the MedDiet provides increased nutritional benefits.
Mar. 7, 2019
Not All Saturated Fats Are the Same for Cardiovascular Health
After examining the association between saturated fat sources and cardiovascular health, researchers recommend higher consumption of staple foods of the Mediterranean diet such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Jan. 10, 2019
New Study Delves Into Mechanisms Behind MedDiet's Health Benefits
Researchers found that following the Mediterranean diet may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 25 percent. They also got some clues as to why this may be the case.
Dec. 11, 2018
Mediterranean Diet Plus Regular Exercise Maintains Weight Loss
A new study shows the formula tor long-term weight loss and heart health is to eat the nutritious Mediterranean diet and engage in regular workouts.
Nov. 26, 2018
FDA Allows Cardiovascular Health on Olive Oil Labels
A new 'qualified health claim' allows bottlers to say that their product improves heart health if consumed instead of animal-based fats.
Sep. 25, 2018
How the Combination of Olive Oil and Sleep Can Prevent Cardiovascular Events
Canadian scientists discovered olive oil helps protect against the platelet aggregation that leads to heart attacks and strokes.
Sep. 21, 2018
Fish Oil No Better Than Olive Oil for Reducing Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetics
Omega-3 fish oil supplements failed to prevent first-time heart attacks or strokes in diabetics compared to a control group that took olive oil capsules.
Sep. 4, 2018
New Studies Link Heart Health With Reduced Likelihood of Developing Dementia
Older adults who take care of their heart are less likely to develop dementia than people who neglect their cardiovascular health.
Aug. 27, 2018
Professor's Criticism of Coconut Oil Goes Viral
Coconut oil is "one of the worst foods you can eat," said Harvard professor Karin Michels.
Jul. 20, 2018
Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Events with Med Diet and EVOO or Nuts
A recently revised study suggested that a nutritious diet with healthy fat is more beneficial to the heart than a low-fat diet.
Jul. 5, 2018
Landmark Med Diet Study Corrected After Methods Are Questioned
After some misconducted clinical trials, the study was re-evaluated and the findings were reaffirmed by its authors
Feb. 15, 2018
Teaching America’s Bravest Med-Style Survival
A Harvard professor urges firefighters in America to turn to a Mediterranean style of eating to avoid on-duty heart attacks.
Dec. 4, 2017
Moderate Exercise, Mediterranean Diet Better at Reducing Fat Deposits
New research underscores the fact that a healthy weight involves more than body mass: it also includes how the fat is distributed within the body.
Nov. 8, 2017
Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Increase Risk of Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
Researchers reviewed scientific investigation on the health effects of consuming sugary beverages and found the preponderance of the evidence implicated the drinks in increasing the likelihood of common medical conditions.
Sep. 1, 2017
Dark Chocolate With Extra Virgin Olive Oil Improves Cardiovascular Risk Profile
Small daily portions of dark chocolate with added natural polyphenols from extra virgin olive oil was associated with an improved cardiovascular risk profile, researchers found.