climate change / page 14

Jun. 2, 2022

U.N. Developing Olive Groves and Mills in Drought-Prone Areas of Iraq

The Middle Eastern country is also working to rejoin the International Olive Council, which would further develop the nascent sector.

Jun. 1, 2022

California’s Drought Expected to Worsen in 2022

Low levels of winter precipitation mean that reservoirs and groundwater sources will not be replenished. Officials said farmers will need to adapt.

May. 31, 2022

A Family Tradition Takes Root at Moulin de la Coquille

The French producer earned a second consecutive Gold Award at the 2022 NYIOOC, attributing the success to new investments in organic production, irrigation and technology.

May. 20, 2022

Worsening Drought Conditions Predicted in Southern and Central Europe

Water stress has already reduced expected winter crop yields in Italy and Spain. Exceptionally dry conditions are expected to continue for the next few months.

May. 18, 2022

WMO: Next Five Years Will Be Hotter than The Last Five

With the prospect of global temperatures exceeding the 1.5 °C threshold, major olive farming regions can expect less precipitation.

May. 16, 2022

Record Heatwave and Drought in Pakistan Threaten Crops and Olive Farming

The unprecedented heatwave also has caused glacial floods and power outages. Further temperature rises are expected.

May. 16, 2022

Scientists Calculate the Contribution of Air Travel to Climate Change

Global aviation accounts for 4 percent of human-induced global warming. A reduction in flights by 2.5 percent per year would halt aviation’s contribution to further warming.

May. 10, 2022

2021 Saw Record Numbers of Trees Destroyed

Most deforestation took place in Brazil and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, increasing deforestation in the Arctic due to climate change alarms experts.

May. 9, 2022

NASA Climate Scientist Wins World Food Prize

Cynthia Rosenzweig was among the very first researchers who investigated the connections between climate change and agricultural output.

May. 4, 2022

Europe Inaugurates Climate Dashboard for Olive, Grape and Wheat Farmers

The new dashboard will provide short-term weather and long-term climate data to help farmers plant new groves, anticipate future challenges and prepare better for pests and diseases.


May. 3, 2022

Report: Solar and Wind Power Production Must Accelerate to Meet U.N. Climate Goals

A new global electricity report found that solar and wind power are growing steadily. However, the use of fossil fuels is too.

May. 3, 2022

Flash Droughts Are Happening More Quickly and Lasting Longer, Study Finds

Rising global temperatures and increasing atmospheric aridity are accelerating the trend of flash droughts, which can devastate agriculture.

May. 1, 2022

Study: Multi-Year Droughts Will Significantly Impact European Agriculture This Century 

In the last 250 years, droughts throughout Europe have been progressively worsening. A new study found prolonged droughts may become more severe than originally estimated.

Apr. 28, 2022

Chile’s Ongoing Drought Leads to Water Rationing in Santiago

Six millions residents in the capital are feeling the tangible effects of the 12-year drought. The rest of the country is not faring much better.

Apr. 27, 2022

U.N. Panel: Time Running Out to Prevent Worst Impacts of Climate Change

The latest report from the United Nations panel warned that more needs to be done to accelerate the trend of slowing emissions, especially in the agricultural sector.

Apr. 26, 2022

Ancient Trees Are Key to Healthy Forests, Scientists Say

Ancient trees help keep forests alive by passing on their experience and hardiness to other trees and plants in the forest. They also better sequester carbon dioxide than trees of average age and provide shelter for endangered species.

Apr. 25, 2022

Heat, Drought Causing Forest Die-Offs Globally

Forests play a vital role in stabilizing the climate by regulating ecosystems and protecting biodiversity, but rising temperatures and drier weather are putting them at risk.

Mar. 31, 2022

Some Effects of Climate Change Are Already Irreversible, U.N. Warns

More than three billion people are being pushed beyond their ability to adapt, the report warned. However, there is still time to prevent the worst-case scenarios.
