climate change / page 5

Apr. 4, 2023

Drought Expected to Hit Europe Again, Scientists Warn

Dry weather is expected to persist in much of Europe throughout the summer, especially in the central and Mediterranean regions.

Mar. 27, 2023

Farm to Fork Strategy Under Fire Ahead of European Elections in 2024

Supporters of the landmark sustainable agriculture strategy say Farm to Fork must be codified into law by September, 2023.

Mar. 20, 2023

Italian Farmers Take Stock of Current Harvest, Look Ahead to Challenges

As the vegetative restart approaches, olive farmers and producers in Italy are preparing for the challenges of unpredictable climate extremes.

Feb. 15, 2023

Andalusia Expand Efforts to Reduce CO2, Promote Biodiversity

The Andalusian government has partnered with SEO/BirdLife to reduce the region's carbon footprint by expanding the Olivares Vivos project.

Feb. 9, 2023

Andalusia Increases Reservoir Capacity for Irrigating Olives

Local authorities accelerate the modernization of critical irrigation infrastructure in Andalusia to combat the effects of climate change.

Feb. 7, 2023

Climate Change Leads Some Bordeaux Wine Producers to Plant Olives

Farmers in the western French department of Gironde have met with national production officials to discuss the future of olive oil production in the non-traditional area.

Feb. 4, 2023

Europe Launches Initiative to Save Pollinators

The newly-proposed strategy aims at stopping the decline in pollinators by creating a ban on some pesticides and passing new agricultural measures.

Feb. 2, 2023

Tuscan Landfill Gives Away Olive Trees to Compensate for Carbon Emissions

A public waste company in Tuscany will support the planting of 245,000 olive trees to compensate for its CO2 emissions.

Feb. 2, 2023

Earth’s Ozone Layer Expected to Completely Rebound by 2040, Report Finds

A Unite Nations assessment finds that the ozone layer should be restored to 1980 levels by 2040.

Jan. 18, 2023

Summer 2022 Was Europe's Hottest on Record

The last eight years on Earth have been the hottest on record, with climate extreme weather events increasing significantly in 2022.


Jan. 18, 2023

Food Labels Might Curtail Climate Impact of U.S. Fast Food Restaurants

JAMA Network Open published new research that described the crucial role climate impact labels might play in boosting U.S. consumers' food choices.

Jan. 18, 2023

Tunisian Olive Oil Prices Keep Climbing

Local authorities have confirmed a lower-than-expected olive oil yield, leading to a steady rise in prices.

Jan. 17, 2023

Food Crisis Looms as Pakistan Announces Recovery Strategy

The high level of inflation, natural disasters, and national debt has cause Pakistan to seek international aid.

Jan. 17, 2023

Groundwater Resources Recharge Faster than Previously Estimated

Research sheds light on the recharge rate of groundwater resources, which has important implications for the sustainable use of underground aquifers.

Jan. 17, 2023

Olive Trees Combat Air Pollution, New Research Shows

VegPM, a Tuscan research project, proves that certain tree species can combat air pollution from particulate matter (PM) and improve air quality in urban environments.

Jan. 17, 2023

Jordan's Olive Oil Yield Lower than Expected

In Jordan, overall yield is expected to grow, even though the 2022 harvest may produce less olive oil than expected.

Jan. 9, 2023

Turkish Parliament Stops Coal Mining Operations in Olive Groves

The proposed bill, which would allow coal mining in the vicinity of olive orchards, had been halted in 2020 and has now been canceled by Parliament.

Jan. 5, 2023

Nations Sign COP15 to Protect the Future of Biodiversity

The United Nations conference closes its doors after more than ten days of intense negotiations. The resulting agreement aims to increase biodiversity and restore ecosystems.
