climate change / page 9

Nov. 18, 2022

Producers in Algeria Anticipate Worst Harvest in 30 Years

North Africa’s largest country is expected to produce just 30,000 tons of olive oil in the 2022/23 crop year, about one-third of the rolling five-year average.

Nov. 18, 2022

COP27 Report: Developing Nations Need $1 Trillion Yearly to Fight Climate Change

Combined funding from domestic and international sources needed to mitigate the effects of climate change on less developed countries should exceed $2 trillion by 2030.

Nov. 17, 2022

Consequences of Climate Change Increasingly Felt by Croatian Olive Growers

Drought, wildfires and sea level rise threaten olive groves across Croatia.

Nov. 6, 2022

Ahead of COP27, U.N. Warns Current Climate Pledges Are Insufficient

According to the U.N., only 24 of 193 nations have submitted their climate pledges, which are far from sufficient in diverting the massive climate crisis.

Nov. 3, 2022

Study Sheds Light on Environmental Impact of Global Food Production

Meat production from cows and pigs, and rice, wheat and seed oil crop production have the worst environmental impacts.

Nov. 2, 2022

Poorest Countries Seek Debt Relief, Citing Costs of Climate Change

Known as the Vulnerable Twenty Group, the 58 members asked richer nations to forgive their debt and invest in climate change mitigation efforts.

Nov. 1, 2022

E.U. Asks Global Community to Accelerate Energy Transition Ahead of COP27

The 27-member bloc announced new strategies including stricter climate pledges. They said that 1.5 °C maximum temperature growth is still within reach.

Oct. 27, 2022

Australian Heatwave Harbinger of Hot Summer, Hotter Century

Temperatures in northeastern Australia are 5 ºC higher than the average monthly highs.

Oct. 24, 2022

As Reservoirs Dry Up, Spain Establishes Water Policy Board

The board will coordinate efforts between the public and private sectors and make proposals to increase energy efficiency, save water and digitalize farms.

Oct. 24, 2022

Italy Announces €3.9B Investment in Water Infrastructure

The funds will be used to fix leaks, digitalize water management systems, renew irrigation channels and reinforce water systems in earthquake-prone areas.


Oct. 12, 2022

Hot Weather Weakens Plant Immune System, Study Finds

Uncertainty exists among scientists worldwide about why plants’ defenses against pathogens fade away under rising temperatures. However, the cure may lie in genetics.

Oct. 10, 2022

Farmers in Lazio Kick Off Harvest at Emperor Hadrian's Estate

Agricultural associations used the event to emphasize the challenges facing traditional olive farmers in Italy.

Oct. 6, 2022

Art Exhibition Raises Awareness of Growing Wildfire Risk, Funds Reforestation

Artist Michele Ardu's exhibition 'Aurum Urens' uses charred olive tree remains from Sardinia to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change.

Oct. 6, 2022

Farmers in France Confirm Grim Predictions as Harvest Gets Underway

Heat and drought led to premature olive drops across southern France. The yield is expected to fall by 50 percent compared to last year.

Sep. 20, 2022

Burning Wood for Energy Threatens European Forests

Wood is considered both a renewable and carbon-neutral energy source in Europe. However, large swaths of forests are being clear-cut to cover the demand for wood.

Sep. 14, 2022

Temperatures Rising in Africa Faster than Global Average

A new report attributed steadily rising temperatures and climate change to more prevalent drought, increased water scarcity, poor harvests and more extreme weather events.

Sep. 12, 2022

Multiple Climate Tipping Points Likely to Be Triggered by 1.5 ºC of Global Warming, Researchers Warn

New research indicates that the melting of sea ice, thawing of permafrost and changing of ocean current would be accelerated.

Sep. 12, 2022

Europe Endures Hottest Summer on Record

China and California also experienced unprecedented heatwaves and weathered unrelenting droughts.
