European Union / page 13

Jun. 12, 2020

E.U. Threatens to Impose Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S.

The United States has been found to be illegally subsidizing Boeing and the World Trade Organization is set to announce what punitive measures the European Union can take. New tariffs may be on the horizon.

Jun. 5, 2020

Cooperation in Fight Against Food Fraud Grows Among EU Countries

Olive oil tops the list for joint activities against counterfeit, adulteration and misleading labels.

May. 26, 2020

Europe Announces 'Flexible' Support Programs for Olive Oil Producers

The latest measures by the European Commission will provide olive oil ands table olive producers with access to low-interest loans and change the funding priorities of the sector to help combat economic problems caused by Covid-19.

Feb. 12, 2020

Italian Producers Shortchanged in EU Funding

Italian farmers say recent rounds of funding were directed mainly to their competitors in Spain, Greece and Portugal.

Jan. 27, 2020

EU Aid Not Helping Croatians, Official Says

The third tendering period for European Union producers seeking private storage aid for olive oil has just opened. However, one Croatian olive oil official argues that the aid does not help producers in small countries.

Dec. 26, 2019

E.U. Anticipates Increase in Consumption and Exports by 2030

Europe expects olive oil consumption to increase mostly in non-producing countries and exports to grow in both traditional and new markets.

Dec. 11, 2019

Europe to Introduce New Climate and Environmental Policies

Under the new scheme, olive farmers can be an important cog in the wheel of Europe’s agricultural sector by providing feedback for improved agricultural and sustainability practices.

Oct. 23, 2019

Spanish Table Olive Producers Demand Countermeasures Against U.S. Tariffs

The Interprofessional Organization of the Table Olive Sector asked the Spanish government and the European Union to investigate U.S. government subsidies that have recently been provided to American farmers.

Oct. 10, 2019

Tens of Thousands Protest Olive Oil Prices in Madrid

Protestors called on the Spanish government and European Union to change how the industry is regulated, help producers cope with low prices and protect Spanish olive oil from U.S. tariffs.

Oct. 9, 2019

Better Harvests Predicted in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Tunisia

A European Commission report predicts a three percent increase in olive oil production in the E.U. due to reduced pest activity and some countries entering an on-year.


Oct. 3, 2019

Spanish Olive Oil on Final List of Retaliatory Tariffs on E.U. Goods

Along with some Spanish olive oils, certain types of table olives from both France and Spain will also face a 25 percent tariff on U.S. imports. Olive oils from Italy, Portugal and Greece will be unaffected.

Sep. 19, 2019

MPs in Austria Reject EU-Mercosur Free Trade Deal

Citing environmental concerns, no major political parties in the Austrian parliament supported passing the deal. Many want the government to veto it all together, while one wants to renegotiate.

Sep. 18, 2019

Spanish Black Olive Exports to U.S. Halved Since Tariffs Imposed

Since tariffs were imposed in August 2018, Spanish olive producers and exporters have lost more than $50 million.

Aug. 26, 2019

U.S. Lawmakers Warn Against Trump Tariffs on E.U. Olive Oil

A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers has come together to warn that tariffs on European Union olive oil imports will lead to higher prices and could cause olive oil shortages.

Aug. 26, 2019

Amazon Wildfires Threaten the EU - Mercosur Trade Deal

Fearing environmental destruction in the Amazonia due to the thousands of fires, European countries are asking for guarantees from Brazil that the fires will be dealt with before concluding the pact.

Aug. 9, 2019

Producers and Exporters Eagerly Await Ratification of EU-Mercosur Deal

The trade deal will eliminate tariffs on both Mercosur and E.U. exports and creates the world's largest bloc of olive oil consumers and producers.

Jul. 25, 2019

U.S. and E.U. Olive Oil Sectors Anxiously Await Trade Ruling

The imposition of tariffs on European Union olive oil exports to the United States would hurt farmers, raise prices in America and be difficult to undo.

Jul. 22, 2019

EU-Mercosur Agreement Paves the Way for Tax-free Agricultural Trade

It is the largest deal the EU has struck in terms of tariff reduction, and also the one that has raised most concerns for repercussions on various business sectors and the environment.
