extra virgin olive oil / page 16

Jan. 8, 2014

Mediterranean Diet with Extra Virgin Olive Oil May Protect from Diabetes

Spanish researchers found that following a Mediterranean diet may cut the risk of diabetes by about 30 percent.

Jul. 8, 2013

Extra Virgin Cocktails

In Italy, producers, bartenders and researchers are adding a drop of extra virgin olive oil to their cocktails. It's worth trying it.

Nov. 5, 2012

Tasting Fresh Olive Oils in Italy

In Italy the olive picking season has started, with a different schedule for every region and the olive mills are working at full capacity.

Feb. 27, 2012

Three Ways to Live 120 Years

Jeanne Calment lived more than 120 years and accredited her longevity and youthfulness to olive oil. Here are three tips that might help you live longer too.

Jan. 30, 2012

Olive Oil Takes New Form

The release of the commercial product Ferran Adrias' famed olive oil caviar, Caviaroli, has opened the doors to molecular gastronomy in any kitchen.

Dec. 11, 2011

The Núñez de Prado Obession with Perfection

The Núñez de Prado EVOOs are liquid testimony to the philosophy of the family behind them: respect for nature, and use of both the best artisanal methods and the most innovative modern technology.

Dec. 6, 2011

Critical Information for Olive Oil Decision Makers

Top olive oil experts will share insights to help distinguish good quality olive oil from bad at a January 12 conference presented by the Culinary Institute of America and the UC Davis Olive Center.

Nov. 7, 2011

Still No Standard For Defining 'Virgin'

A short film by Michael Davies which hinges on the the awkward question "What’s ‘virgin’ mean?" has gone viral and is inadvertently promoting awareness of olive oil.

Aug. 17, 2011

European Olive Oil Producers Try New Label: Made in California

Suddenly olive oil companies in Italy and Spain and American importers of European products are introducing olive oils with a surprising new selling point.

Mar. 16, 2011

Only Extra Virgin Olive Oil at Rome's Forno Campo de’ Fiori

Ever wonder what kind of oil they use at your local pizzeria? At Rome's legendary Forno Campo de Fiori it's only fresh local extra virgin olive oil, and lots of it.


Nov. 15, 2010

Trás-os-Montes Producers Focus on Quality

The Trasmontanos are said to be daring and hardworking. Whether an accurate stereotype or not, something keeps propelling this region into the international spotlight for premium olive oil.

Nov. 4, 2010

In Spain, a Move to Ban Refillable Olive Oil Bottles in Restaurants

The initiative, defended by Socialist deputy Alejandro Alonso, looks to eradicate the dangers of “anonymous serving bottles” which he claims, “greatly degrade the image of olive oil."

Nov. 3, 2010

An Introduction to Olive Oil Tasting

In the first in a series of articles addressing basic consumer questions about olive oil written by leading experts, Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne explains olive oil tasting and food-pairing.

Oct. 29, 2010

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Can Reduce Oxidative Stress

Researchers found extra virgin olive oil and hydrophilic fraction intake induced a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity and a decrease in markers of liver damage.

Oct. 29, 2010

French Olive Oil Producers Going Organic

Jean Marie Guerin says he's lucky to be isolated from other orchards. "My domaine is right out in the country, far from any pollution. I don’t have as many flies as the other growers.”

Oct. 6, 2010

Cobram Estate's Rob McGavin

Rob McGavin's success lies in keeping a long-term view, staying down to earth, working with good people and, not least, by yielding ten times the world average per acre.

Oct. 4, 2010

Pitching an Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Kids

Spanish producer Vega Carabaña says its smooth, slightly fruity and aromatic extra virgin olive oil is just right for children as young as 6 months. The cute packaging doesn't hurt either.

Sep. 28, 2010

Farming On the Edge of an Olive's Comfort Zone

You won't find much olive oil production in Italy north of the Cividale plains where Franco Diacoli says his Bianchera olives "never stop growing and developing intense flavors and aromas."
