extra virgin olive oil / page 18

Nov. 4, 2010

In Spain, a Move to Ban Refillable Olive Oil Bottles in Restaurants

The initiative, defended by Socialist deputy Alejandro Alonso, looks to eradicate the dangers of “anonymous serving bottles” which he claims, “greatly degrade the image of olive oil."

Nov. 3, 2010

An Introduction to Olive Oil Tasting

In the first in a series of articles addressing basic consumer questions about olive oil written by leading experts, Alexandra Kicenik Devarenne explains olive oil tasting and food-pairing.

Oct. 29, 2010

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Can Reduce Oxidative Stress

Researchers found extra virgin olive oil and hydrophilic fraction intake induced a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity and a decrease in markers of liver damage.

Sep. 19, 2010

Interview with Ari Weinzweig, Zingerman's

In 1982 Ari Weinzweig opened a small sandwich shop in his college town. Today, Zingerman's is a $36 million "community of businesses" that happens to sell a lot of olive oil.

Sep. 2, 2010

On Nutella, Olive Oil and Obesity

The recent Nutella affair provoked scandal and outrage in Italy, while the UNESCO decision enshrining olive oil was met with understated pride. What's going on here?

Aug. 23, 2010

UNESCO 'Cultural Heritage List' to Include Mediterranean Diet

The Intangible Cultural List was started in 2003 and now comprises some 166 entries, including Croatian Lace Making, Argentinean Tango and Tibetan Opera.

Aug. 13, 2010

EVOO and A-Rod: The Dawn of Olive Oil's Era of Testing

The lawsuit was announced in typical American fashion, complete with a celebrity chef. Maybe this is what it needed to come to. Nothing happens here without buzz.

Aug. 4, 2010

La Rioja Claims its EVOO is "Healthier"

The study is part of an effort by Spanish local and national governments during a time where newly emerging olive oil producing nations threaten Spain's dominance of the world market.

Aug. 2, 2010

The Australian EVOO Show System

Most of Australia's extra virgin olive oil shows follow similar protocols, explains Richard Gawel.

Jul. 19, 2010

4th Beyond Extra Virgin Conference to Focus on Olive Oil Excellence

Billed as an "International Conference on Olive Oil Flavor and Excellence," Beyond Extra Virgin IV will focus on the sensory qualities of what's referred to as super-premium olive oil.


Jul. 16, 2010

Snapshot of Olive Oil Choices in One American Neighborhood

I thought I'd head down to my local Stop & Shop, behold the selection and confirm that the monounsaturated revolution had reached Boston.

Jul. 14, 2010

Report: Most Imported Extra Virgin Olive Oils Aren't Extra Virgin

Most olive oils labeled as extra virgin sourced from several California supermarkets were substandard, according to the UC Davis Olive Center.
